Obama Like Bush Like Clinton Like Bush Like Reagan, etc.

In response to this article on a politically charged site:

Very Informative.

At least we know what to expect from our (s)elected officials, and ‘that’ is a step forward in dealing with this ‘leadership’ from ‘both hands’ ( left and right party ) of the same entity.

More true journalists and real reporters need to be working FULL TIME just to keep up with the quackery and mockery of justice, the flood of laws and tons of code added to the books from one day to the next… and the populous hasn’t a clue ( nor will ever, I suppose ).

I wonder, if with so much unemployment, why hasn’t the Amerikan people risen up against its Tunisian-Type government?

Are U.S. Citizens ‘that’ lazy, stupefied and ignorant of their immediate danger?

I guess what is present here and not Tunisia is our lasting freedom to bear arms… to keep tyranny from entrenching a foothold… yet that freedom too has been numbed down and used against the psyche of the American people, turning them into Amerikans, who ‘can’ do nothing.


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