You Really Don't Want To Wake Up

You won't watch this because you think you know what you're doing... you won't watch this because 'your president' is smarter than you and you don't have to worry about anything. 

Sure, when Christ returns ( if you believe ) all of this won't matter.. but did Christ teach you to simply surrender or to wise?  Did Christ teach you to test things or simply continue believing lying liars?  Did Christ teach you to put your faith in men? 

And if you don't believe in God or Christ, do you suppose a little old man that delivers babies is going to correct his entire fraternal brotherhood and bite the hand which has fed his 30+ year political career?  Do you suppose anyone who consents to fascist rule ( corporate governance ) will actually do the right thing?  If  you do, stop believing the movie the Gladiator was a playbook for New Rome ( today's Amerikan Empire )... it was not. 

Why have you put your faith in men who continue to treat you like a slave... like a commodity... like an animal on the farm ( sheep ) ready to be sheared?  Doesn't it say somewhere if you can gain your freedom, by all means do so?  Why stay in the field or sell out to be a house slave? 

And this is not 'against' Obama, but against ALL OF THESE HIRED HANDS.  Ron Paul wasn't going to change things ( duh, he was also running for the corporate position of president of the corporate fiction chartered in Delaware ), nor Gary Johnson nor anyone else... the system is a slave system and you are the commodity to be sifted ( your labor ).

Taking responsibility is NOT voting for liars.  It is turning off your teevee ( to stop your mind from being mesmerized by the circus ) and breaking away from the consumerism you love so much ( what pacifies you and makes you feel better than the next person ) and realize you may be worshiping a golden calf and Satan himself in all forms ( the idea of money and the Babylon system ). 

Taking responsibility is to cease feeding the corporations which have killed competition and have expelled private local ownership... but you surely love the 'deals' don't you?  Taking responsibility is to check your appetite and your consumerism and direct the little you do make to support local businesses... to building your community... or to create your own means to support yourself ( your own business / self employment / freedom )... or to buying or growing REAL food and not the plastic stuff they pass as food.

Taking responsibility is actually reading the fine print for everything... everything you sign, everything you buy... taking responsibility is actually waking up and realizing those smiling in suits, or official uniforms or white lab coats are not there to really help you but to use you to fill their pockets... your shearing depends on their happiness... and THAT is not fair nor good.

You don't want to watch this video because it exposes things you are too afraid to ponder, and by ignoring these things, you simply think you can live in a bubble... and can continue shopping, and keep watching your sports or whatever garbage fills your void after you come home from schlepping away for your existence.  No amount of money is going to save your from the masses of ignorance whose minds have been molded since infancy to hate truth and call a lie honest... and you don't want to watch this because deep down you are afraid to face reality.. the reality that you are and have always been a slave... and you just consented yesterday to being a slave again for another four years.

Here's the video you don't want to watch, because you cannot conceive the truth for all the lies you believe in.


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