From the Ranks of the Empire A Revolution is Sparked?

Two Asian women passing out the morning newspaper on their route at just after 5am this morning were gunned down by LAPD, the corporate entity known as Los Angeles Police Department, a profitable agency occupied by various people of many backgrounds, but holding to a seemingly core ethic of fraternal protection that would make the Illuminati and banking cartels flush with jealousy and envy. 

These guys never rat on one another, or so goes the sin pact, fair enough? 

So this morning, before the crack of dawn, two women are nearly fatally shot, one gets hit in the back.... but don't worry Amerika, your best and brightest have been "trained" for stuff like this.... so everyone should be cautious, courteous and calm if confronted by the force at this time, seriously now.

Mr. Dohner, according to news reports, had a tendency of pointing out mistakes and holding people accountable, in his own way, but he seems to desire for things to be done correctly and had a blind nobility at heart, it seems, when hearing / reading what he wrote. 

I guess he didn't take good with the apparent and broad corruption, collusion and cowardice he found in the ranks at the police department, that office holding the Public Trust. 

He seems to have had a tendency to call out others and point things out until a correction or satisfaction was rendered. 

He held others to stand up to the truth and facts of the matter, to treat others with dignity and respect while yielding the lawful delegation of using lethal force... maybe like that Top Gun movie line: "Do not fire until fired upon."

And he seems to have snapped. 

Or could he be the first within the ranks of the force to strike back at the fascist police state, taking the "constitution," the "bill of rights," the "declaration of independence," the "manga carta," the "emancipation proclamation," and all the other movements and moments history teaches us has already happened and the fracture has been mended, to the next step of homegrown history!  

But that is the empire's occupation of revising history, the lovely story everyone is programmed to recite and recall at test time, dear ones.

But for him and according to his words, it seems he didn't experience the America he was taught, the one he took pride in and desired to hold a waving flag with honor over any field of battle, even right here, now at home.

He eludes to being stabbed in the back by everyone on the payroll, and I conclude it may be because they loved money more than the truth, their job be lost or secure. 

Maybe he lost it and was possessed with a pathological hunger to start the revolution of this age.... surely a change in his wavelength patterns has occurred which now reverberate throughout the thinking world. 

Will it be a spiritual revolution where judges, police officers, politicians and bankers start confessing their criminal acts and give up everything they have stolen and feed the hungry the next day?

Will this be a physical revolution where the guns, knives, sling shots and fists come out because folks are looking at fear instead of faith? 

Will it be a psycho social revolution which produces the nefarious predictions of your favorite futuristic police state novel, and you are only 'free' in your mind, but external expression is punishable by torture or death?

Will it be a revolution of independent action and pro-action to feed, clothe and house those needing such means, in one year... and the folks who plunder others haven't the golden calf anymore to fool people into being consenting slaves?

What will it you to be?


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