Lessons From Scripture Are Lessons For Life

I am not going to go into much detail, for to put it all into words at this moment will be contrived and a bit much not only for the reader but also for the author... for some things experienced are hard to explain and better left to be seen from afar so one can put them into words later ( and with a shorter explanation, hopefully lol ).

What I'd like to say is this:

The scriptures are being opened to me on a daily basis, in things I do, see, hear and learn... and in so many other ways.  It is truly amazing to see His Word come to life, when at first I would read and suppose some writings were meant for another people at another time... but time and time again, the lessons which were prophesied and brought to folks at a certain epoch still ring true for me and those around me Today!  It is amazing to see my little bit of faith allowing me to realize how His hand works in all things.... surely magnifying His will in all things, although I and you still have free will.  ( I know, mind boggling to conceive the notion, but it seems to be so and the subject of today's blog ). 

Although the old covenant / old testament / law of the Torah has ceased to 'be' since it was fulfilled, many lessons and parallels can be drawn from that body of work.  And although some may argue that today's 'modern' world is so different from the days which the Messiah walked the earth and the subsequent writings found in what is called the new covenant / new testament / gospels and letters to the first century churches, more often than not those teachings, lessons, revelations and admonishments still ring true Today AND are still beckoning obedience from those who walk the earth today... especially to the ones who believe. 

Ever heard or read the notion: "you'll see it when you believe it" ?? 

Not only is the call and invitation still relevant and 'on the table,' the parallels of today's empire is not too different from the one which subjugated the people of the known world two thousand years ago, nor are the spiritual challenges different today than what was spoken about that long ago.  Nothing much has changed other than dates, names and faces... but man is still man and called to be his brother's keeper and good shepherd... yet man still is tempted to subject his brother in order to tread upon in him, thinking that will save himself or render a better lifestyle for himself.. but these too are ( and have been ) showing themselves to be false and a sad way to live with poor results for all parties involved.

What is more difficult to understand, comprehend and accept is the spiritual connotations and lessons derived from scripture, either prior to His appearance or after and also the similarities and parallels in what is called the Quran and further writings / opinions which the descendants from the line of Ishmael believe in / follow. 

In all three writings, I see the call of faith: to believe what is written.  And just as some who profess to be Christians disbelieve some things written in the Quran, and those who profess to be Muslim disbelieve some things written in both the new and old testament, I propose people should bring together those instances which align themselves perfectly and are without dispute.... and start from there.  Namely, the depiction of Jesus / Isa / Yeshua / Immanuel as being born of a virgin and His title and designation as Messiah, for starters.

I have my personal take and opinion on what 'could' have been written in addition to what was divinely inspired ( what man added beyond what God had authorized to be written ), but I will share that at a later time.

The leap and challenge to bridge the gap of doubt or indifference is also faith ( "do I love this person who looks different, dresses different, speaks different or prays different from me?" or "do I just judge them as the media, my country, my neighbor, my priest, my pastor, my imam, my parents have?" ).  Faith and love to be exact.  How can you love someone / your neighbor / your enemy if you follow the narrative of mainstream media or mainstream religion?  Remember, religion is not what God made; that term and institution came from the exploits and intentions of man. 

We can see the Messiah Himself did not convert people from their dismal walk of life to His purpose by using a sword or force, but those who did believe were compelled by His service, His love, His Words of encouragement ( and admonishment ).... so just as we've seen throughout history and with many religions, those who were converting others by force from one walk of life to another were obviously not in step with love and service, no matter how pretty a story was told in a history book or justified by religious leaders and their many writings and hypothesized inspirations after the fact.  Yet God's purpose still won out even among the havoc created by greedy, blind and wicked men.  Those who wish to know and follow God should never fall into the temptation of doing things their own way, as the history books are full of men doing things their own way, while only a few depicted in scripture are exemplified as doing things His Way!

The belief should be that the centerpiece of those writings ( God / Allah / Yahweh / The Lord / The Creator / The Father / Love ) wasn't joking when He established all things and made sense of them in His inspired writings.  His purpose and will is still being revealed in what has been written AND in what is being played out in our time, yet it may only make sense to those who 'believe' His Word over what they believe men say or have you understand. 

I would suggest; instead of pointing out the differences first, let us make apparent the likenesses, shall we?  I would also suggest building upon the fact that we are all brothers and sisters and come from the the desire to treat one another as such, out of love due to our many similarities and out of respect for our minute differences, for it is not too difficult to see the child in each and every one of us if one were to look long enough and with a peaceful heart upon his fellow man. 


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