Destiny or ??

The Lord’s will is like a Rubix Cube.

His Way will be done when all is said ( and done ).  Much like the end result of lining up all the colors in that cube, so will His perfect will eventually line up for Him ( and those who are faithful in seeking Him / His will ).

Each person has free will ( choice )… and here is the ‘difficult-to-understand’ paradox.  Delaying in your faithfulness to His Will, Way and Word is only delaying the lining up of the colors He has in store for you.  If you are His ( and / or desire to be His ), why delay the goodness He has planned for you by disbelief / doubt / or pride?  

I personally ran away from the good things I saw ( and almost missed ) He was lining up for me… I almost missed realizing the answered prayers He presented me with, believing I was not worthy or had sinned too much for far too long ( but this too was a lie from fear and darkness ).  I initially ran, rejected and responded with faithlessness and in futility under His enormous grace and gifts to me… yet He persevered and eventually, His love for me overwhelmed me to the point where I couldn’t deny Him nor His Way for me anymore.  

Oh how good the Lord is and how good His gifts to his chosen truly are!  Praise be to Him and praised be the Name He has revealed to know Him by: Yeshua!


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