Mandela's South Africa or Rhodes' South Africa?

I read about Cecil Rhodes earlier this year and gained a glimpse of what South Africa became after being colonized by the same mind that also colonized India, Amerika and several other places around the world.

After the recent passing of Nelson Mandela, and the reaction of people who'd rather follow propaganda and vilify a popular stranger ( while emulating another popular stranger who recently passed away ) without giving thought to the bigger picture, I thought it prudent to share my two cents and perhaps ( you may agree or disagree ) a few insights I've discovered.

Please take the time to read about Cecil Rhodes, who he was and his role on the African continent: Cecil Rhodes ( if you don't like wikipedia as a source, go ahead and change what is posted or go elsewhere to read about this man.... but be sure to include not only the imperial accolades but also the crimes and the reaction of humanity as a whole ).   Be sure to also read his quotes at the bottom.

I share about Cecil Rhodes prior to Nelson Mandela because, as with anything else, folks should know what came first in order to clearly 'see' what is 'now' and why things happen as they do.

In reading about Rhodes you may see the purpose of colonization was to expand one tribal mind and, by default and as always happens, displace another tribal mind... and the further purpose really is to grow the appetite of man in not only what they eat for food, but what they purchase with money... the justification for penetrating non-western cultures today.

The desire for this tribal mind's consumerism and money worship is behind the continued building of empire, with religion, terrorism, injustice and other platitudes used to hook and crook the masses into accepting supposed 'necessary evil' ( one evil recently being called Operation Iraqi Freedom ).

Far too many people accept the current paradigm of empire, accepting the domination of one people over another, of the justification of slavery in order to build city, state and kountry... and instead of bringing remedy and recompense for past crimes, factual history and clear reason is muddied and people are simply lead to desire to plow forward without rendering true solutions to the 'problem.'

People, by default, continue to pursue their programmed reality and plow ahead not seeing they are living a lifestyle based on lies, deceit, murder, genocide, thievery and other crimes against individuals and humanity as a whole... but may not seem to care to ponder such things since 'they' weren't there and the 'now' is so alluring and relevant for them.. they just keep on getting jobs and shopping and think 'that' is living.

People today, however, fill in the shoes of the oppressed of the past and continue to uphold the very machinations which bound those people ( bondage ) to a system based on the majority of folks trading their labor for things, dependent on masters... a step above a basic slave laboring away in order to not be beat and to receive their daily bread from their master.

At least you get to choose your slave master and where you get your bread from today, right? so that's good, eh? ( yeah right! )  

And what has been the problem??

Well, after reading about Mr. Rhodes, you may find out how, just like in the Amerikas, a particular tribal and cultural mindset pursued the idea of 'wealth' and 'success' at the expense of a people already inhabiting a land.... a land which this particular invading mindset considered theirs for the taking.  ( think of your backyard not being used for anything, being bare, and your neighbor taking over since, to them, you were not putting it to any use... and them killing you or pushing you out when you object... you being considered 'backwards' and them being 'forwards' and pursuing the modern goal of empire, buying and selling and all the rest of it )

Religious dogma, the lure of greed and conditioning from a hierarchy built on conquest and consumption rather than love and service to their fellow man was and sadly still is the protocol.

And where is God?  Where is the conscience of 'right' and 'wrong?'  Where is the message of love?

You will find out reading about Rhodes that the story of South Africa is much clearer and concise than the story of Amerika, in that instead of slaves being brought to the Amerikan shores, the inhabitants on the southern tip of the African continent would become slaves, be removed, or be exterminated... but modern slaves, mind you, with the opportunity for 'jobs' and the 'benefit' of living in either a slum or a subdivision, all dependent on how hungry you are for empire and to play the expected role prescribed to you.

The crimes of nation building, empire expansion and people killing / displacement always being justified by religious dogma and other such suppositions of 'right,' like that ridiculous justification most of us in Amerika were 'learned' in school called 'manifest destiny,' is the prescription pill the world has been choked into taking.

Did you know that the creation of the western African kountry of Liberia was to pacify the slaves of the Amerikas and bring a solution to the slave trade for Amerikan slaves, ex-slaves and those still in fiscal bondage to their empire building masters?... out of fear of reprisal and mass dissension, as was erupting in Haiti where those slaves began to revolt against their French imperial masters?

In Mandela's time, the climate of racism, injustice and inequality deemed 'okay' by the 'master' tribal mind and those pledging allegiance to it in South Africa had become so outlandish and obvious ( at least to those subdued by that infringing tribal mind ) that, unfortunately, violence began to seem like a viable solution to outright genocide.

I hope the point I just made is made clear when reading about Rhodes and his venture ( perhaps after your appetite for financial success falls away and gives way to your reasoning capacity and your conscience thought of right and wrong ) and reading about Mandela and his memoirs.

Do you not see the pattern of conquest and the justifications written for us in media and schooling to somehow accept it as being for the good of mankind, for the good of ourselves and to 'help' those who are outside the empire's system as if they were missing something?  Don't they want a Walmart to shop in and a fake plastic Christmas tree to light up??  Don't they want a reverse mortgage so they can pay their mountain of debt?  Don't they want to be radiated with chemo therapy instead of taking cannabis oil or water with baking soda for their cancers?  What's wrong with them, right?  Empire has all the solutions!!  They can leave their fields and growing organic foods and join us in eating genetically modified organisms and help us splice the human genome as our most learned minds attempt to be God over us.

It is written in history books, it is fantasized in movies and it is propagated even today in the 'news;' when people look back at the 'wonderful' and not so wonderful things man does as he struggles with empire and somehow tries to exist among the throngs of greed and idol worship....  but do you see the hypocrisy in what is propagated?  

Mandela is being vilified by some because he was associated with a group that wanted to fight back, to respond with violence to violence and to injure those who would injure them.  

Was the man a saint or touted as one?

So why the outrage that he spoke as one backed up against a wall with weapons to his face?

Gandhi pursued a peaceful and non-violent resistance against the tribal mind that infiltrated where he grew up, but notice that the mechanism is still there, only the offices are now occupied by those looking like Gandhi, but the heart and mindset hasn't changed... the tribal colony's stamp hasn't been stamped out... and his heirs are still participating in the game of politics but do not see past the imprint left by empire.

Same thing happened with Mandela being brought to the highest public office of South Africa: no real change, only small crumbs for blood spilled.

You see, the thought of sending the invading tribe and their imperial mindset back to where they came from was never an option... but the option of sending back the commodity / slave tribes and creating a nation for them ( called Liberia ), already fixed with imperial notions, was an option that was acted upon and exists today.  Isn't that nice?  A place where you can exercise empire.  Like giving a child a gun.

And I wonder, if the removal of the invading tribe and their mind was in fact done in South Africa, it would by sequence and conscience have to be done also in India and in Amerika and anywhere else the empire of idol worship has spread.  Would the people subdued by this mindset fight so hard so not to lose their idols, their material means, their identity??  Many, after all, fawn after the thought of being princes and princesses and having their own retinue

The empire would have been sooner unraveled, would be my guess.

Perhaps Nelson Mandela also considered removing all the objects of worship of the invading tribe; their cities, their machinations, their shops, their entertainment, their very culture and ideas.

This is what was done through a prior tribe centuries ago to establish the worship of the one true God... where the secular lifestyle was distant from the spiritual lifestyle, and many still misunderstand and fight against that pursuit... so why not give them their trappings and the winds they desire to chase?

Have you noticed the duality in today's world where man continues to perpetuate the old way of thought ( living by the law and by force over their fellow man ) and in putting things before each other ( business, empire, money, etc. )?

Do you also notice the confusion of people from this duality who consider and believe that we live in a new age, the age of 'love thy neighbor' and 'love thy enemy,' and not the old of 'hate thy enemy?' 

Yet, empire pushes forward with the old age and old age action.... and those who enjoy the heights of a good seat in viewing all of this, wonder why the people desire to react in the old way against their imperial efforts ( eye for an eye ) instead of the new way ( turn the other cheek ).

Could it be that the world is being marketed the old age with its old customs and old law?

Could it be that still the revealing of God's love in Yeshua and the notion of loving they neighbor as yourself has yet to pierce many hearts in the circles of imperial leadership ( even those who profess themselves to be 'Christians' )?

Would you be a Rhodes, a Mandela, a Gandhi or a Yeshua?

Or would you just stay 'you' and look forward to this weekend's sale at Macy's?

Look what Zimbabwe did in removing the corporate motive of having land ownership in the hands of a few and placing it in the hands of those in need of it... creating an empowered people and an independent people.


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