My Gratitude

Today I was observing a man with what is called down syndrome.  Seeing him made me reflect on the many people like that whom I've seen in the past.  I've always wondered why they seemed so happy and content.  Almost every time I've seen someone like that, I've seen them with a smile on their face and seemingly at peace going about their day. 

As I began to ponder this, I began to reflect on my own life and about the experiences and things which God has granted me to have and those experiences and things which He has removed from my life.  I began to count the ways in which I was grateful for having what I have today and for the things I don't have.

I began to think about the time I was losing things; having to move due to the decisions others made and not being prepared for a move, having to sell some material possessions to raise cash and to limit my baggage, having a pet of mine given away in my absence, asking near strangers for a place to stay when some folks at church were asking for rent that I couldn't afford or just saying "I'm praying for you."  I looked past their perspective for I saw God teaching me to look beyond the physical and material, but I would be lying if I said I didn't struggle and wrestled with my faith at that point in time.  But even in this, I realized God was teaching me a greater perspective and was systematically removing me from certain circles for a greater purpose... and was calling me to stand on His Word regardless if others were not.  I'm grateful God reminds me of His Word when I am challenged to doubt it when looking at other believers.

Growing pains are never firmly understood as they are occurring, but the result from the growth supersedes the memory of the pains, the disappointments and the discomforts.

I recall God providing for me at every turn, and many times it was at the final hour!  These instances were teaching me to see God working through all things and all people, to do my part and let God do His part.  These lessons were teaching me to see past those whom I thought I knew or trusted and instead to see that God's children come in many forms, not just the ones I expected or recognized.  I am sure some reading this can attest that although sometimes we can't see His help at first instance, surely later we can identify the manner and ways He worked us through it all.

Thinking about that man and others with down syndrome, could it be that their pure hearts grant them opportunity to experience peace, joy and love?  Could it be they are spared what most call the 'complications' of life?  Could it be they are not capable of taking on what people call 'complications?'  They seem to be free from the mental dilemmas many are caught up with.  I wonder if they are happy because they are not chasing after 'things' but are simply grateful when they have a meal, a laugh, are spending time with their relatives or happen to see something beautiful.  I know I became happier when I finally began to control my appetite for material possessions and the desire to keep up with my peers in their consumerist approach to life.  I began to be happier with less and less things, not because I believe I was coming to grips with my situation, but because I don't think many things make anyone happy.  I've bought new cars, and the first new car's 'happiness' lasted a few weeks... the second lasted a few days, then it was just another thing I used to get around. 

For me personally, there were things I didn't want to throw away when I had to move ( I've moved as many times in as many years ), but I knew I simply couldn't keep every single thing that sparked a memory for me.  Some people think they lose a part of themselves if they lose some parts or all of their possessions, but we know rationally this isn't so.  I know I didn't want to be a slave to a monthly bill of keeping useless things in a storage facility somewhere... or having a garage space where a car should be parked piled to the ceiling with things that only hold a value in my mind but not in actuality.  I'm glad I don't have so much stuff to keep track of accumulating dust.

When I decided to sell the most recent car in my quest to downsize, the choice to do so wasn't at that point because of financial hardship.  The choice was because somehow along the way God had taught me to be grateful for the things He's given me directly and not the material things I and most people the world over use as a crutch for happiness.  There wasn't a need for that car.  As God was removing things, either by method or by circumstance, I began to see more of not only my life, but the lives of others.  I began to 'see' so much further and deeper than before.

I am grateful for the vision I've received from His willful purpose in my life!

Years previously I had sold my motorcycle to put that money / value to better use, and although I still miss riding around on occasion, there has been another part of life I've been missing.  There is something about taking a walk in the neighborhood / city / space you live in.  There is an experience that cannot be had whizzing by at 35, 55 or 85 miles per hour that can only be enjoyed at two miles per hour while on foot.  You really get to see where you are.  Even just the other day when I rode a bicycle to the beach to fly my foam remote controlled plane ( the only 'toy' I currently own ), I missed much more than I did while I was walking the day prior.  There's a whole world of people I have been missing... or purposefully ignoring.  There's also something about taking public transportation that wakens you up to the plight and reality of other human beings you share the planet space with.  Although my 'work' doesn't take me on a daily hustle and battle on the freeways to some job or business location, I realized how I've been given a rare gift: to earn my bread in an unusual way.  I am so grateful to God for helping me see past so much.

The choice of getting rid of my cell phone ( and monthly bill ) was a tough one to contemplate, for I feared I wouldn't be able to get in touch with someone in the case of an emergency... but more so it was the social pressure of not being up to date with my contemporaries.  Yet today I couldn't be happier not being tied to an electronic leash or following silly trends and cultural acceptance.  Besides, I get free phone, free texting and all the same stuff when I'm at a computer... and when I'm not at a computer, I'm not available ( leave a message, lol ).  I'm glad a cultural ideal doesn't have a sway on me.

I am glad I am realizing that the closer I get to God the less and less material pursuits mean for me... and the less I am thinking about what others think about me or whether or not I am complying with popular expectations.  Not to say it is bad to want to have nice things or the newest thing, but all in its proper measure for a reasonable purpose.  I think if people have or attain financial wealth and they do good with that wealth, then not only was that income a blessing, they in turn are a blessing for others.

I firmly believe any good talent / gift / value we have is to be used for good and for good only, otherwise what was perceived to be a blessing turns into a curse ( I too have experienced and lived this out as well ).  Many people, religious preachers included, think the more money they make at something is a clear sign of God blessing their efforts or pursuits.  That is a false pretense, but to a spiritually blind person, they don't see the difference.  I am glad God has given me a vision to see past the falsehood of what I just stated, and I praise Him for this, for this is a gift of hindsight as well as foresight.

I am grateful I don't rate my self or that term 'success' by the amount of money I have, or what ( if anything ) I have in the garage, or by the brand of shoes I wear, or by the cost of a watch on my wrist, or by the amount of people around me and their job titles or their pursuits in life.  I am grateful for the love God has for me, how He shows me the magnitude of His love and His will in my life on a daily basis, the depth of the love He has placed in my wife's heart for me, the quality time He has allowed for us to share together and all the little things I have and enjoy.

I am grateful for the value the Lord has placed on me, His creation, His son.

You reading this should also be grateful for the value the Lord has placed on you!  We are the most valued and wonderfully made 'things' on the face of the planet... and to the Lord, we are worth so much!!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

- Psalm 139:13-14

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

- Philippians 4:11-13


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