Harnessing Thoughts For Powerful Re-Lease On Life

I currently lay my head down to sleep behind that front window.

What starts as a small pebble atop a snow-covered mountain can become a major snowball, plowing a new path and taking out a previous order... in my most recent case, a self-absorbed order.

When reading the definition of that phrase recently, the information hit me like a ton of bricks.

Isn't this how society is influenced?

After the storms, new growth appears in unlikely places.

Having our eyes on others and aiming at their examples.

Faulty and fallible archetypes are we.

But the Perfect Model has been made known.

The Perfect Man is accessible to learn from - He is willing to teach when we are willing to learn.

Among a sea of the same, a sprout springs up ... yet against a wall.

Why imitate imperfect models while your heart desires to be perfect?

Glancing at how others go about things is a decent litmus test when those others are high achievers for the sake of helping others.

When the help is solely for one's self, I imagine the vortex of a black hole portrayed as radiating light.

As I peel away the layers of yesteryear's self, tender and sensitive layers are now malleable and able to be worked on.

Although influenced by what man's hand has laid,
a place of birth determined before all things,
notice that palce is perfectly aligned with the Son's trajectory.

To be fashioned in His image.

These new layers, after they are molded in better ways, also begin to harden.

That new hardening will once again need to be peeled away when a new milestone is arrived at.

The next chapter in life awaits us all.

May we be open, humble, and willing to be molded by His Holy Hand upon our hearts.


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