NOTICE: I do not take any more credit for whatever knowledge, understanding, common sense... whatever anyone would call for what is becoming obvious... I have simply asked for the truth (started years ago, over ten now to be exact) in life and so long as I continue to seek the truth in earnest effort and out of a sincere heart, things continue to be revealed... yet it is so difficult to understand and more-so to forward to others (my lack of tactfulness and simple approach and limited capacity / understanding coupled with the listener's current understanding or lack thereof and current position / point of view in life).... it's like living in two worlds. I am many times struggling within myself.

Wow, just re-read what I wrote above and must say it sounds kooky, religious and weird, nevertheless I am trying to explain that I want no more credit or notoriety for anything I write or present on my site [] other than simply the time I've taken to hash it out... in other words; Glory be to Him who gives Life, as for me... me is nothing but a vessel, a messenger if you will, a reluctant one at that with many shortcomings that friends and family can quickly point out.

I've ceased to "gamble" in this stock market / money game for the moment, possibly for good, as of yesterday (2/09/2009)... waiting for day three for funds to settle and pulling out.... I say gamble and not invest due to the fact that what I see smells too much like circa 1929 and that is most unfortunate, and the lies today in the mainstream media continues to make me sick... seeing Geitner speak, and him receiving applause after that baloney press release, and then watching the market tumble... and reporters are bewildered as to why the market would react like that... it's so simple... folks that have a clue of who the FED really is are not going to put their hard-earned money (although fiat and the carrot you cannot eat and becoming evermore worthless by the day)... people are not going to put their paper debt-notes out there to be swept up by those who manipulate, distort and continue with the smoke and mirrors... to get at your real assets (your time, effort, energy, house, car, etc..) The guilty should be ashamed at themselves and will be shamed for all to see.

It hurts my heart to see tents by the freeway now... these are decent people who have been conned once again, history repeats... they haven't a clue, they are sheep being led to the slaughter...

I think I'll stop looking out for myself (I am guilty of being selfish and been putting money first for way too long) and start helping others find their way out of this economic slavery. I regret the knowledge of money. I've noticed a shadow come over one's heart with this particular knowledge, mine foremost included.

The only way you can be hurt financially in this phony world is if you owe to Caesar what is Caesars. If you are debt-free, you can't be pulled down, at least not financially.

Yes, I anticipated the drop in the market, knowing full well that further government help = trouble and could have shorted or gone with whichever ETF you fancy, but I just sat back and observed in silence, like a deja-vu, like watching Casa Blanca where you already know what he's going to say and what is gonna happen next...


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