Letter To My ( and Your ) Representative RE: H.R. 833
Folks, please copy and paste this letter ( or write your own, but include the important points such as demanding their attention, action and response ), simply edit the name of your REP and fax, snail mail, email and even call to confirm receipt of your letter(s).... I'll sending it and revisions every week until I hear a response / the resolution passes!
Hello Lucille,
I voted for you.
I aim to be a student of the facts and have been studying what money is and isn't for quite some time now. I am writing you since you directly represent me and my district at the moment.
I would like to bring H.R. 833 to your attention ( the bill authored and re-introduced by Ronald Paul of Texas ). This bill needs co-sponsors, but hasn't any. This bill and its matter needs your IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. I wonder if it scares your fellow congress-folk due to either lack of understanding or simply put: fear of the repercussions.
Lucille, do you know who the owners of the Federal Reserve Banks / Federal Reserve System ( FED ) are? You may believe this entity to be a government agency, but it is not. This group is comprised of central bank entities and their unknown owners and since its inception in 1913, has continually manipulated the "free market" and has now once again consolidated financial power into the hands of very few individuals.
As heard in an interview with Jim Lehrer of PBS, former FED Chairman Alan Greenspan is quoted saying in response to what the relationship between the President of the U.S. should be with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve: "Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an INDEPENDENT AGENCY, and that means basically that there is NO OTHER AGENCY OF GOVERNMENT WHICH CAN OVERRULE ACTIONS THAT WE TAKE. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the Administration, or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are DON'T FRANKLY MATTER..."
The time has come for the light of truth and honesty to be shed on the inner workings of this group of secretive individuals and their greater grasp of financial / economic business dealings for your constituents and the rest of the world to see. This is the people's country, not only the elite or highly educated nor the wealthy, but all of it's citizenry.
This entity has usurped the power to print money ( which constitutionally is a power reserved for Congress ) from the people and has had a stranglehold on this government ever since ( history shows, not only my opinion ).
The question I hope you would ponder is: How can a privately owned corporation such as the FED legally request the printing of money, charge interest for the issuance / loaning of this money to the very government / people it is supposed to serve, and then hold secret its business dealings? And all this without ever being audited since its inception in 1913. How can this be? Any other entity, whether private or public, would have been held accountable already and their crimes found out, but not these folks / this group.
If the preceding isn't the definition of a "shadow government," then I don't know what is Lucille.
I intend no offense by my strong words or to offend anyone who is honestly working their hardest to ethically lead this country and it's people forward while upholding our founding constitutional rights. What Ronald Paul is proposing in H.R. 833, what President Abraham Lincoln did when he introduced "green-backs" to effort the cause during the civil war instead of plunging the Union into debt, what President Andrew Jackson battled to rescind the Second Bank of the United States' charter and the battles within government which ensued thereafter, what President John F. Kennedy proposed in Executive Order 11110, and the efforts of many others known and not known to history... this bill and the history behind these Presidential efforts need be learned, realized and spoken about! This goes beyond a two party debate.
This was said in the very halls you walk in Congress Lucille: "We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are private credit monopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve banks are the agents of the foreign central banks. The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States by the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board." -- A.D. 1932, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, addressing the House, Congressional Record 12595-12603.
And here is another ignored quote: "The Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned, locally controlled, separate corporations." -- A.D. 1982 Lewis v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court testimony.
And yet another one: "The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their order with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs." -- b. A.D. 1863, David Lloyd George, Welsh born British Prime Minister A.D. 1916 - 1922.
Judge for yourself what message history and these men were stating.
Will you also cower to intimidation Lucille? Please think not of your job security or reputation Lucille, but think of the injustice your very constituents have been subject to for so long. We have One Judge who is watching all of this, and your life will be blessed or cursed according to your response and action in regards to this Lucille, whether you believe or not!
I see an economic slavery which is now, once again, rearing its ugly head. I see a population which hasn't much a clue of money, its manipulation and who does the manipulating. I see leadership who either hasn't a clue themselves regarding the topic of money, of banking and its history, or know exactly how this economic slavery is perpetuated yet say nothing out of fear or because they have been bought themselves ( they are hired hands ).
If you would please speak with Ronald Paul regarding H.R. 833. If you would please take the time to review the history of the Federal Reserve Banks / System / FED, not only from their own website.... If you would research the historic battles between who has authority to issue and print this government's currency and how this battle has been won and lost over time on both sides ( banksters and the people / Congress... If you would research the efforts by the likes of Lincoln, Jackson, Kennedy and so many others... If you would please educate yourself and others as I have begun to do so, then you will see the importance of bill H.R. 833. You may very well see and acknowledge the injustice I am bringing to your attention and of which this bill intends to end.
I will await your response. I am also sending this message to others, and if the message is ignored, then those who were voted into office to the do what is right and true for their constituents, will also be ignored... and soon held accountable.
If you do in fact know what I am describing in this letter and know about how this country has been bled for so long, then I await an explanation.
Either way, I expect a response. The people of the United States and of the world will not be patient for much longer.
This scripture speaks directly to you and your office: Proverbs 31:8-9.
Your Name
Hello Lucille,
I voted for you.
I aim to be a student of the facts and have been studying what money is and isn't for quite some time now. I am writing you since you directly represent me and my district at the moment.
I would like to bring H.R. 833 to your attention ( the bill authored and re-introduced by Ronald Paul of Texas ). This bill needs co-sponsors, but hasn't any. This bill and its matter needs your IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. I wonder if it scares your fellow congress-folk due to either lack of understanding or simply put: fear of the repercussions.
Lucille, do you know who the owners of the Federal Reserve Banks / Federal Reserve System ( FED ) are? You may believe this entity to be a government agency, but it is not. This group is comprised of central bank entities and their unknown owners and since its inception in 1913, has continually manipulated the "free market" and has now once again consolidated financial power into the hands of very few individuals.
As heard in an interview with Jim Lehrer of PBS, former FED Chairman Alan Greenspan is quoted saying in response to what the relationship between the President of the U.S. should be with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve: "Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an INDEPENDENT AGENCY, and that means basically that there is NO OTHER AGENCY OF GOVERNMENT WHICH CAN OVERRULE ACTIONS THAT WE TAKE. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the Administration, or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are DON'T FRANKLY MATTER..."
The time has come for the light of truth and honesty to be shed on the inner workings of this group of secretive individuals and their greater grasp of financial / economic business dealings for your constituents and the rest of the world to see. This is the people's country, not only the elite or highly educated nor the wealthy, but all of it's citizenry.
This entity has usurped the power to print money ( which constitutionally is a power reserved for Congress ) from the people and has had a stranglehold on this government ever since ( history shows, not only my opinion ).
The question I hope you would ponder is: How can a privately owned corporation such as the FED legally request the printing of money, charge interest for the issuance / loaning of this money to the very government / people it is supposed to serve, and then hold secret its business dealings? And all this without ever being audited since its inception in 1913. How can this be? Any other entity, whether private or public, would have been held accountable already and their crimes found out, but not these folks / this group.
If the preceding isn't the definition of a "shadow government," then I don't know what is Lucille.
I intend no offense by my strong words or to offend anyone who is honestly working their hardest to ethically lead this country and it's people forward while upholding our founding constitutional rights. What Ronald Paul is proposing in H.R. 833, what President Abraham Lincoln did when he introduced "green-backs" to effort the cause during the civil war instead of plunging the Union into debt, what President Andrew Jackson battled to rescind the Second Bank of the United States' charter and the battles within government which ensued thereafter, what President John F. Kennedy proposed in Executive Order 11110, and the efforts of many others known and not known to history... this bill and the history behind these Presidential efforts need be learned, realized and spoken about! This goes beyond a two party debate.
This was said in the very halls you walk in Congress Lucille: "We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are private credit monopolies; domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. The Federal Reserve banks are the agents of the foreign central banks. The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States by the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board." -- A.D. 1932, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, addressing the House, Congressional Record 12595-12603.
And here is another ignored quote: "The Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned, locally controlled, separate corporations." -- A.D. 1982 Lewis v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court testimony.
And yet another one: "The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their order with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs." -- b. A.D. 1863, David Lloyd George, Welsh born British Prime Minister A.D. 1916 - 1922.
Judge for yourself what message history and these men were stating.
Will you also cower to intimidation Lucille? Please think not of your job security or reputation Lucille, but think of the injustice your very constituents have been subject to for so long. We have One Judge who is watching all of this, and your life will be blessed or cursed according to your response and action in regards to this Lucille, whether you believe or not!
I see an economic slavery which is now, once again, rearing its ugly head. I see a population which hasn't much a clue of money, its manipulation and who does the manipulating. I see leadership who either hasn't a clue themselves regarding the topic of money, of banking and its history, or know exactly how this economic slavery is perpetuated yet say nothing out of fear or because they have been bought themselves ( they are hired hands ).
If you would please speak with Ronald Paul regarding H.R. 833. If you would please take the time to review the history of the Federal Reserve Banks / System / FED, not only from their own website.... If you would research the historic battles between who has authority to issue and print this government's currency and how this battle has been won and lost over time on both sides ( banksters and the people / Congress... If you would research the efforts by the likes of Lincoln, Jackson, Kennedy and so many others... If you would please educate yourself and others as I have begun to do so, then you will see the importance of bill H.R. 833. You may very well see and acknowledge the injustice I am bringing to your attention and of which this bill intends to end.
I will await your response. I am also sending this message to others, and if the message is ignored, then those who were voted into office to the do what is right and true for their constituents, will also be ignored... and soon held accountable.
If you do in fact know what I am describing in this letter and know about how this country has been bled for so long, then I await an explanation.
Either way, I expect a response. The people of the United States and of the world will not be patient for much longer.
This scripture speaks directly to you and your office: Proverbs 31:8-9.
Your Name
Thank you very much for your words. I appreciate your input and see you too have a handle on what is happening. The more folks who know, understand and DO something ( contact their REP, march, spread the word, etc.. ) the quicker we will see this country turn around and expel these banksters once and for all.
Thanks again brother!