Alternative Media Outlets

If you haven't found, then go there and get up to speed with what is REALLY happening in America and unplug yourself from the propaganda machine known as mainstream media ( yes Alice, that means am talk radio, FOX nonews and the like )... and in terms of TruthDig, I specifically mean Chris Hedges' columns. 

Here is what I wrote today in response to the Supreme Cohort's allowing corporate money to flood democracy and further propaganda:

I’m glad the cat is finally out of the bag - America isn’t a country for and by the people, it has truly been usurped by money in the pocket of the highest bidder… 

When are the heads on a stick going to be seen in D.C.?

One sure-fire way of dealing with these overinflated sons of unloved mothers is to NOT purchase their products, NOT use their services, NOT park your money with them… To “ex” them out completely…. and make sure your friend, neighbor and relative does the same.

Thing is, so much of the populous is “inactive” because of the social conditioning via media… they need to “unplug” themselves much like the movie Matrix… so many parallels in that movie it is SCARY.

The people who work for the big corporations, military and police need to be shown, with patience and clarity, not just mumbo jumbo conspiracy talk ( although this is a conspiracy at the highest levels ), but need to be taught how history has been riddled with coup, fraud and manipulation by the money powers… and it is blatantly clear today, if one knows how to recognize it. 

Folks need to take their eyes off of money ( the carrot in front of the donkey ) and look to something that is real ( God, Truth, Conscience, historical facts, anything BUT money )... they need to BREAK the illusion of money.

Military personnel and police will enforce the corrupt policy because their income depends on it, and without that income ( that fiat and phony paper money ), they and their family doesn’t eat, pay the mortgage, etc..

So, the carrot HAS been sown-in to great extremes, but what it will take is to break that illusion…
..and that will take personal discipline and effort, and unfortunately, as so many folks are conditioned to go to work, come home and be with family and veg out watching the boob tube and continuously swallow lie after propaganda lie… well, you’ll see what an uphill battle we face.

Educate yourself in regards to money and conspiracy facts: and learn how to help your fellow man, NOW!


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