Kennedy on Conway's Am Radio Show; a Comment

Call to am640 Monday dec 27th on the Tim Conway show, Kennedy was filling in... a question about Sarah Palin.

What I said:

“Kennedy, love you since your mtv days, I think you are really smart and a decent person. It is nice to hear a different current from the sometimes class and ethnic-laden comments from this am station…

Onto Sarah Palin, I think she is more a symbol, a media manufactured idea.

Remember she was chosen on a losing ballot to represent such an image of the ‘modern empire‘s woman‘… and this is a fizzle…. she obviously lacks the foundation to be a viable candidate to represent that office.. and with that, many believe that office to be more a selection, than an election position.

The president is, after all, the face of a company, with the chairman and board members being above him… similar to the Fed's role juxtaposed to the executive office.

Folks are mesmerized Kennedy, as been planned.

Here’s my question: how about Jesse Ventura? And someone with the bravado of a Kucinich or someone like that, not another 9-5 worker turned politico / hired hand for capital interests.”


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