What / Who Is "You" When Considering Commerce?

In response to an article about Cheney being immune from justice entitled, and my response, as usual, takes a meandering of interesting crooked paths:

Cheney May Face Nigerian Bribery Charges from TruthDig

Right Martha, I'm stating that America has been turned into Amerika and the Aristocrats and their dogs ( the empire's countless offices of bureaucracy ) plus the lawyers / liars and all that feed off the teets of empire's role in economy ( big pharma, military, etc ) are 'stuck' in the sticky predicament of being 2 to 20 paychecks away from broke only owning debt. With that reality, they must 'obey' their masters, handlers and mind their 'duty' and continue to pay tribute, duty and their 'fare share'... for they are employed by the system and taught only to 'work' in and for that system. "I need to get a job" is the common phrase most of the populace adhere to, even the hired professionals working under and for the aristocracy....

That new identity of the 70% you describe to be acknowledged, needs to be better and more specifically defined, don't you think? For it is comprised of new immigrants and lineage immigrants from centuries ago... and all in between NOT 'rented' by the systems of the Machine ( big corporations and industry owned by non US citizenry making up that 70% )...

So you have very few entrepreneurs / self-employed / small business owners NOT on government fed grants or contracts... which is a very small minority financially speaking considering big gov business... yet, as ONE it is a powerhouse!

Unfortunately, the populace NOT self employed but working for gov, big business and those feeding off them... they are TRAPPED unless they become independent... that is THE GREAT CHALLENGE, I think.

The other side, which owns the means to quickly communicate with the masses ( the media ), are not going to allow you the open mic unless you participate along their party lines.

I like your words "law and order" for that reminds me of Hoover's statements in an interview from a documentary about JFK's assassination and 'Jedgar's' power and pull among the all facets of power in the country at that time.

Also, when you speak about representation, are you inferring to the approach as a 'citizen' of the USA, Inc? or referring to 'sovereign' living as a foreign entity on what once was the United States of America?

For your 'representation' in that public venue, with 'officers' of the 'court' working for the state / gov in order to sift the citizen of their value in return for the 'benefits' used by said citizen, is not in your favor, considering the commercial world we exist in.

You best know your history, your procedure and your position and how to petition for a redress of grievances.


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