U.S. of Amerika: Can An Immigrant Become A Sovereign?

In response to a Face Book friend asking about immigrants and entrepreneurship in Amerika.

Remember, history has been altered and there is evidence of revision, so a pretty picture has been painted and programmed into our minds thanks to mainstream education and omissions in history books of many important facts.

This has been done so beliefs and mantras like "land of the free and home of the brave" can be shouted-out, without question... to create conformity and a ripe and willing labor force / working class.

The 'story' is that the country was founded as a bastion of freedom and a place people could run away to and be free.... but that is a story, not reality. The freedoms were only enjoyed by those who had the leverage due to their position, class and / or education.

Yes, you can become your boss and build your own business, even today.

Yet, here is a question: Do people have the mindset, the view from an objective stance, to see clearly who they are dealing with ( regarding the government and the system )? Are people able to look beyond their programmed beliefs and see the opportunities and the roadblocks of today's so-called capitalist system ( which is really something else )?

This country was created as a corporation, a place to do business. It was conquered by privateers commissioned by royals. These privateers built industry and occupied the land and had their slaves till the land and perform the labor. The natives were killed off and pushed from fertile land because they were not easily enslaved nor obedient, even at the end of a bayonet, thus their elimination from the land was needed and is evidenced.

The hired hands of the crowns owned parcels of land and paid their tribute / tax to the crowns for use of the land. These private owners became very wealthy due to owning slaves and trading across the Atlantic their production.

These 'forefathers' as they fairy tale states, realized they were in fact not free, for they had to pay tribute just to exist on this new land, just as been the case where they came from. So they created a Constitution which gave themselves voting rights ( and in that thy declared sovereign rights for themselves, making themselves free from tribute to 'the crown ). Soon, they had their act together and were tired of paying tribute to tyrannical capital ( hegemony ) dictating from across the Atlantic, so came the revolution and THEY became the new hegemony.

Yet, the class separation among capital owners and labor was still evident, and wider than it is today, yet today's trajectory is headed back in that direction. So, these new 'freemen' had voting rights and could afford to have representatives do their bidding on capital hill ( capital = money ) and create and alter laws to their benefit business and themselves. Yet, the labor force had no voting rights, nor did the immigrant.

It has always been a struggle for the immigrant, yet learning 'how' the system works, learning how to handle capital and pursuing independence has been absent in mainstream scholastic circles for quite some time, by design. Today, we see evidence of the graduated tax on income, on use of property, on the movement of money, etc., the centralization of credit, and many other planks of the communist manifesto in play.... yes, even today.

The country enacted by the Constitution is different than the one seen today. The Amerika of today is a poor reflection of the idea of America created over 200 years ago.

One example is this: the idea of registering your personal property was never a 'freedom' notion until just recently, yet all have been convinced this is good, ethical and American... but it is not. To register you personal property is actually rendering its lawful use to another entity to hold title to make sure you pay your yearly use tax ( tribute )... and this is what the revolution was fought for!

Constitutional rights and protection have been chipped away for some time with ever increasing laws, codes and other none-lawful and unconstitutional liberty sifters.

There is much more to say... THIS website I put together gives yet another glimpse into the rabbit hole unseen by most.

To learn about how money is really made in Amerika and 'what' it really is, go here:

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