Sift & Siphon System

I wonder, if to clearly state your relation to the created entity ( the State and those it employs ), and somehow pierce the front behind the 'bar,' the 'bench,' the 'office,' in the 'court house' and with entitled people ( people with titles who supposedly deem a particular status, almost near nobility ) is the thing to aim for.

To pierce the front of indifference and apathy....

To consider living out the narrative work ethic of 'working hard and long hours' or 'work your way up the ladder' under a siphoning and sifting system, some which is owned by people who do not consider you equal, but see others well beneath and near an animal status to them.  Is not the influence behind a government trickery and deception at the highest levels?

Yet it is this very mantra of paying and providing not only your own portion, but to carry the weight of 'the less fortunate,' yet this target of less fortunate are excluded from the trough.  This trough is owned by the hegemony and only the hegemony feed from it.

The rest of the populous must make due with their own means and that of those around them ( sifting )... which is the foundation of the pyramid... the pyramid ( siphoning ) which people unwittingly play into due to ignorance, while solidifying their economic slavery.

A system where one must 'capitalize' on another to stay ahead is a perpetual enslavement system.


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