Piercing the Paradigm

In a conversation regarding money, this is what I said:


The national 'debt' or 'amount of money in existence' is necessary in this paradigm of money.

When it comes from not a debt-created instrument ( on the liability side of a balance sheet ) it is problematic. When it is issued as an asset ( from the right side of the balance sheet ), then it automatically has value invested in it.

It is the interest payment which is the burden, the shackles... not the amount of money in existence... the more the merrier, so long as 'assets' or 'things of value' equate the expansion of money in circulation.

Think about the game Monopoly..... only the rents don't exponentially increase.

I thought about this silly thing last night... perhaps others have already pulled it from the ether:

Imagine a GoPro attached to your public representative, and much like a live streaming page has a chat box and such... so can people track, listen-in and correspond with their elected representative... can see who says and votes what... and can argue their case.. much like we are doing now on here!

They ignore you tweet or chat-in, they are reprimanded. We hire representatives in this Republic.

You can immediately call for review or dismissal if they say, do or vote inappropriately.... IMMEDIATE corrections!

Just like we have on here... and the record stands! -


The conversations takes a turn... and I explain an example of thinking outside the paradigm of slavery we exist under today.


Patience, revisit the basics.

"You do, sell or make what I want / need / want to resell, 'what' do you want in exchange for it? And for how long?"

"I want _____ in non-gmo dry goods and vegetables for as long as you need what I ______."

"Ok, I need _____, and expect to keep that up for six months!"

"Sounds good to me, I'll need to receive ______ of your ______."

"Well, how about I give one more ______ for your _____."

That's generous / not too generous, I can't go lower than _____."

"Deal, let's sign." / Let's keep negotiating, what else can you access?" / Let's talk again in six months, take care, peace."

Write down the agreement, if more than one page, it's too much.

Sign, date, title, third-party independent ( or not ), bind the agreement, and you're off!

Just write it down and make sure the balance is uni-equitable.

Equal weights and measures... let the market decide... get people thinking between their needs and wants and remove the 'idea' of that paper to facilitate this.

Investors think in terms of one commodity for another, not so much the 'price' or 'cost' or dollar amount!

No emotion, just trading one thing for another... well, there is your value creation... and the person across from you needs to also determine the cost of things.

Think betting on your hand in Texas Hold'em.

By the other players not knowing your hand, they don't know what you have in terms of resources, knowledge, talents, skills, asset ownership, or how to run such systems... etc... the value is in the people, not in a dollar amount!!!

Get priorities in line and put 'real' value to 'real' things.

When kings hold gold but not the hearts of men, they are no more.

You can quote me on that one, cheers!

We are full of so many gifts and talents, what we have yet discovered the amount or depth of our gifts, and so we short sell ourselves due to our lack of imagination... think of a child.


Another turn in the conversation, now about breaking your belief limits.


A list of 300 skills, commodities, labor sources, etc....

Let's just outlaw interest bearing anything, let's initiate a revolving chairs of action... everyone involved must vote, one man one vote... etc... and let's follow how that clause in the Constitution mentions issuing bills of laden, notes, etc. That's why that was written there. To make your own.

What was called colonial script...

Contracts with what the deal is, how it is going down, who pays what, when and how, etc.... follow the 'value' created by your collective efforts as you love one another and live in harmony, one man helping another stand.

Peace and Glory to the Father!!!

It's a fantastic read that Constitution.. but one must be able to juxtapose the place and time in history and the ills which were ever present in that day, as they are today! And history repeats itself and has patterns.

Anyways, I'm boring somebody... time for me to get back to work ;-)


Someone asked a question regarding even working with a medium of exchange altogether.


Choose your currency or not. The credit cards used now are exchanging something you cannot see, unless you turn something on and look at some numbers.

The issue with credit cards is they can be manipulated, for they are in central control... unless you have tiny trusts.... and actually, the point is to create trust between each other and trusts amongst yourselves.


Someone asks about issuing credit on future trade or labor


No, payment on demand.

Then build upon that immediate satisfaction of your obligation.

Let's say you work, provide, create, barter, bring together, sell, etc... up to what would be considered in today's terms and "paradigm" something valuing $1,000.

Whether it is you starting to work immediately to build something, or need to pull something out of your garage ( the things you offer, make / do / whatever ), you need to build with those real things in order to build trust, equity and your credit day per day.... then issue 'credit' accordingly in a diminishing fashion... not the other way as is being done today.

You worked or performed ____ amount of whatever and now have what is thought to be today $1k.

From there, you 'may' have something like $500 in credit... to facilitate other deals in progress and such.. but never to overcome half of what you've already rendered, so if a break happens, all things would have been equal accordingly.

You can trade with your neighbor right now for him to help you cut down a tree... and you cook them a roast when you have the weekly BBQ and invite everybody... so you don't have an accounting, right?

You have a pleasant exchange and appreciation of one each one's gifts and talents.

You extend infinite credit to your kids, don't you?

And most of our parents extended infinite credit to us!

It is a decision to love people... and Love be considered when exchanging things for want or need in this Life experience with are amazingly having with One another! ♥

If you were to have two pyramids, one inverted, one right side up.

Put one over the other, transparent.... one holds people from wealthiest to poorest, while the other one holds amount of wealth, the wide end of the pyramid holding the most wealth.. and thus being upside down over the one with the wealthy atop.

That is how it stands now under this current slave system.

Issue your own 'money,' 'promissory notes,' trust agreements, etc... as the early group of settlers did and you break the 'bonds' of slavery, which are skewed and leveraged to them so much they are at a tipping point.

And, teach those who don't know! So they can defend themselves with this knowledge.

To start your financial education, visit!


Anonymous said…
Fact is There is NO Real Money ... Wake Up and Face The Reality ... http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=27108#axzz1p6EPjoMg

You have to KNOW what Real Money is before you decide IF that Fed Reserve SCRIP / Bills O Credit is Genuine Money ... Hmmm what is a Dollar again ??? WAKE UP http://www.constitution.org/uslaw/coinage1792.txt
Thanks for commenting JW.

I don't think I 'believe' that money really exists... it has been a creation of man.

People and Nature, on the other hand, are not. Those are real things with real value... and we've been bamboozled into thinking we 'need' something like money to have those things, when they are already here and available..

The slavery paradigm this time around is quite powerful... it has people worshiping again the things created by man....

Just like that James Brown song:

"This is a Man's World" where he says 'You know that man makes money to buy from other man.'

Cheers! And here's to your own value and knowing it!

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