A Pyramid Scheme of Grand Proportions

I remember a college professor of political economics trying to explain to the class how the 'middle class' is not in the middle of any economic landscape, but pushed to one side just over the poor, homeless, sick, indentured, etc...

The population decreases drastically as you go up in income per year. DRASTICALLY. Talk about an exponential scale... or better yet, imagine a pyramid with a base that is a hundred times wider than the next level.. and then the level above that is ten times narrower ( third level ).. and atop that you have the fourth level of ridiculously wealthy and influential kindred, one hundred times the width of the level just below.

Literally billions of people supporting a few thousand hand to foot.  Billions of people's labor, assets and so on ( property taxes, probate and death tax for example, for if you pay any type of tax, you  are paying tribute to someone else and supporting them, literally ).

Now looking at that patch of land called District of Columbia, which is NOT territory of any state in this 'union,' and does NOT pay taxes to anyone ( it is a sovereign state hovering above the two neighboring states property, occupying that space... and conducting the worship of Mammon and power... for a fee ), some may fail to notice 'what' that organization truly is.

What is widely accepted on the streets of the world, is that these group of men and women going about business with our collective and supposed 'delegation of power to have authority in certain forms' is a group made up of people serving the interests of the common man on the street, you and me.

Yet, when looking at the fiction known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a Delaware corporation, with a listing on Dunn & Bradstreet, consider the persons who work for this entity... are they not corporate officers and employees of such a fiction? Same as Walmart officers and employees, right?

Well, considering that the corporate title of 'president' is not the 'boss' per-say as the chairman of the board is, what would it matter what is said from the mouth of the potus if his chairman is the one who sets the measure of usury and terms of debt issuance in exchange for tribute in the form of interest payments?

So when folks speak of a so-called elected government, which by their actions is defined as a (s)elected group of sold-out to hired handed interests, or identify themselves with a particular party or 'side' for whatever cognitive reason, you will surely not see anything providing an equal footing for the common man living on the land, nope. You'll have the worse case of Animal Farm one has ever noticed.... history depicts it so, and I see this Amerikan empire just like all the other empires before it... and it too will fall to pieces like all the others... and then folks shall experience what is called feudalism.  Prepare to trade according to your goods, services, talents and what you can do, say, etc... for value is derived from man and comes in the form of what man does and creates, not paper with words on it saying it is 'money' and something of 'value.' 


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