If You Had to Choose..
If you had to choose today to do something that would bring you personal contentment regardless of what others thought of you, what would that be? What would you be doing with yourself and your time? ( what would you 'really' occupy your time with? )
What if the need to pay any sort of bill / rent / mortgage / etc. wasn't an issue... and if you had a food source and energy source whereby you didn't need to 'produce' any sort of income to 'pay' for those things... what would you do with yourself and your time?
If that something is not involved with crimes against humanity, against nature or the violation of other people's rights... why don't you simply strive towards doing / being that and stop wasting your time and making excuses?
Yesterday I was recollecting to a friend how one of my earliest jobs earned me $18.75 an hour ( the state's prevailing wage for a laborer at the time ). I was holding a stop sign for a demolition company.
Prior to this job, I had landed a couple of fast-food gigs and other trappings paying the minimum slave wage... and I don't remember if it was $5.75 or near there at the time. At age 18, making $18+ an hour was something else. Yet, the motivation to get up at 6am and drive up to the valley from the L.A. basin was for that fat check at the end of the week. The dream of a new car... and new Oakleys and other 'things' was on my mind.
Yet while I was discussing this matter with my friend, I again remembered it is the chasing of winds that people get up every morning and struggle... for too many people desire the better whatever.. the nicer this, the bigger that, the new 'something.' I wondered: if people were to detach themselves from the empire's program of buying and selling, to remove themselves from being bombarded day after day by precise marketing to their weaknesses, fears and lusts... if they were simply to shut out all the noise and focus and realize what is most important to them ( which in my opinion is people and the natural things of life, which in turn I see them to be the most valuable ), perhaps people would begin to live a life out of the ordinary and not be so needy for what is advertised to them. Perhaps more people can realize the crap that eventually fills up the garage or some storage unit is simply their lack of discipline in ceasing the consumption which they believe makes them happy. Perhaps and maybe they may somehow discover who they are and what they were meant to do with the short time they've been graced to have.
What if the need to pay any sort of bill / rent / mortgage / etc. wasn't an issue... and if you had a food source and energy source whereby you didn't need to 'produce' any sort of income to 'pay' for those things... what would you do with yourself and your time?
If that something is not involved with crimes against humanity, against nature or the violation of other people's rights... why don't you simply strive towards doing / being that and stop wasting your time and making excuses?
Yesterday I was recollecting to a friend how one of my earliest jobs earned me $18.75 an hour ( the state's prevailing wage for a laborer at the time ). I was holding a stop sign for a demolition company.
Prior to this job, I had landed a couple of fast-food gigs and other trappings paying the minimum slave wage... and I don't remember if it was $5.75 or near there at the time. At age 18, making $18+ an hour was something else. Yet, the motivation to get up at 6am and drive up to the valley from the L.A. basin was for that fat check at the end of the week. The dream of a new car... and new Oakleys and other 'things' was on my mind.
Yet while I was discussing this matter with my friend, I again remembered it is the chasing of winds that people get up every morning and struggle... for too many people desire the better whatever.. the nicer this, the bigger that, the new 'something.' I wondered: if people were to detach themselves from the empire's program of buying and selling, to remove themselves from being bombarded day after day by precise marketing to their weaknesses, fears and lusts... if they were simply to shut out all the noise and focus and realize what is most important to them ( which in my opinion is people and the natural things of life, which in turn I see them to be the most valuable ), perhaps people would begin to live a life out of the ordinary and not be so needy for what is advertised to them. Perhaps more people can realize the crap that eventually fills up the garage or some storage unit is simply their lack of discipline in ceasing the consumption which they believe makes them happy. Perhaps and maybe they may somehow discover who they are and what they were meant to do with the short time they've been graced to have.