What is Politics if Not the Managing of People and Land?
The following is my response to a friend's FacePlant page where the topic of government and political ideology was discussed with some editing on my part now reading and writing it again:
One key point and issue that is missing from many of the political definitions of managing people and creation is the idea that each person should have a right to property. And I don’t mean an apartment room, or some space subsidized or free housing or even an open market where you pay a market rate. I mean a right to property where that person ( or family ) has space enough to build their own living structure with space enough to grow their own food… and utilize some space to produce something ( if they so choose ) or they can have the freedom to decide they would just grow food and enjoy life, not chasing the wind and ‘having’ to participate in society as society or others would dictate ( as is prescribed in most political definitions of managing people and creation ).
Imagine a world where, just like prior to when colonialism conquered the world and renamed everything to fit their world view, people understood their symbiotic relationship with nature and one another and they not only respected the land and its use, but they respected others and considered the notion of ‘ownership’ of land to be either non-existent or granted to him who best managed others and resources, not simply by force as we see today in every single kountry on the planet ( in the form of de facto government ), but by 'right' ( as defined by a de jure government ), the 'right' to manage people and property because that person did the best job of balancing the two... and this not based on a profit model or to benefit a few, but with the support of all involved.
How arrogant an idea to think that man somehow owns something that was not created or produced by him. How arrogant also ( and wicked I say ) to instead put 'things' in between humanity... and sadly these ideas are not only popularized, but applauded.
Now, don’t get me wrong, the idea is not to abolish land ownership or the idea of granting the state government mechanism total control of property ( which is the case at least in Amerika with the holder of ‘title’ simply being holder of a third or fourth position lien, so long as they pay the tribute, er, I mean taxes ), but the idea is abolishing the idea that only a few have a right to ownership while the vast majority must slave away in order to pay ‘rents,’ as if man has become so dumb to have to pay for his existence on this planet. Isn't that slavery for all and tribute and control / power for a few? And those few are not doing a good job of being their brother’s keeper, but rather their brother’s slave master.
What I am talking about is the right to property for all living souls on the planet, something like a half acre per living person ( four in a family having the right to two acres, for example )… and ceasing the idea that one man or any group of men can claim land by force over the vast multitude. Either everyone owns their own land outright or no one owns the land… but either way and however one would call it, all people have right to utilize the land to feed and keep themselves. I would ponder that in this scenario, the only reason someone would be hungry or broke would be because they either are not working their land to feed themselves or it is near impossible to grow anything on their land… yet we can today research and find out that people can grow food in the toughest of climates if they only knew how to… so the main issue could come down to access and right to land.
Kill rents for people to exist upon what God has created and grant every person the right to land and watch the leverage the few wicked have over the down trodden multitude come to a leveling point. I say leveling point to express the word "fair." I don't think people can be equal nor should the aim be to equalize people, that has been tried and has failed miserably. I mean to allow for fairness in that people have a right to grow their own food and do as they please with what God has blessed us all with: life, land and love.