If I Were "Elected" Dictator

If I were dictator ( laughing to myself ), I would ponder and express: what if people working for any company / entity comprised of two or more people / persons were to be included in a share of the equity, with voting rights and benefits just the same?

If I were dictator, I would further encourage these employees and those who would later work and gain an equitable position in any company, to now own part of the company and having all rights reserved and without a class distinction in shares.. and, for example, with how oil companies work, for them to focus on producing products in a non-toxic manner.  The company could then, for example, focus on producing non-toxic, resilient and reusable domiciles ( think legos building blocks ) which can house the world's people living near $1 a day.

If I were dictator, I would suggest to have open discussion on how these processes and procedures would happen, via the internet on various social platforms, and have local qualifiers for public proposals.  I would then suggest hiring the best ideas and minds to execute the plans, locally chosen of course, no more centralization of planning, only mic checking.  Local involvement to spur cohesive communities like the crispy clean aspirations of the 1950's 'vision' without the hypocrisy of actually expecting every body else to adhere to an ideal so novel and one sided. 

If I were dictator, I would suggest the employees of every company the world over, to go to work for themselves in creating their own companies... if they stay at their present position, they can assume their current position but now with equitable ownership of the company ( shares ) and also a transferable interest in both the labor position ( if applicable ) and / or the financial stake in the company.

If I were dictator, I would suggest a revamping of the U.S. Constitution, an exploration of the U.S. Constitution and Local State Constitutions and statutory law, etc.. and open discussion as the upgrade in editing is made.  One such upgrade could be to correct the 'foul' of making one man / class of men subject to any other man, thus straightening the continued class distinction by ethnic identity and not noble ascent ( which is the new wine of the age in my personal opinion ).

If I were dictator, I would suspend all statutory laws, rules and such along with their extreme fees and encumbrances and reintroduce the publican ideal to law enforcement, judicial and law creating vocations... and encourage them to return to the role of public servant and liaison and help further the freedoms invoked in local and national Constitutions.  They would help administer the collection of 10% from income producing companies, for they would be the only items taxed in this new paradigm. 

If I were dictator, the employee of any company shall NOT pay any such income tax nor be taxed in any manner on their labor, and all monies, payments and compensations from such activities considered 'work' is their own and theirs to keep.  Only entities which run with the cooperation of other entities ( two or more natural persons involved in an entity such as a corporation ) are taxed, and this being at the 10% rate. 

If I were dictator, I would suggest the breakdown of the 10% to replace the current bloated mob rule by tribute down, with 2% going to public service ( militia - publicans, public servants ), 2% to an education fund to whomever seeks it ( OPTIONAL ) with additional means in satisfying educators and the educated ( school of choice, not a 'public' school system paradigm whatsoever, but local parent / teacher involvement in the rearing assistance until 'education' is brought to local communities which fraternize, socialize and live amongst each other without hindrance from outer spherical watchdog central government types ), 2% for open bids on current public service jobs to be done privately or other, etc... as the psuedo communist / capitalist empire is brought to equilibrium with the populous and nature.

If I were dictator, I would encourage extreme out-of-the-box thinking for all of these measures and set out local political competitiveness with ideas that can be reproduced throughout the world as the correct applications of service to mankind and not its current hindrance. 

If I were dictator, I would remind people of the vision of being your brother's keeper, of who that brother really is ( everybody ), of being a kind and generous neighbor and of being aware of what some call karma or the laws of physics ( for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction ) do come back around ( your conscience too ). 

If I were dictator, I would suggest the populous to: do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

If I were dictator, any 'law infraction, misdemeanor or felony' must be met with a dishonored party ( a victim ) to bring in the state / law / public servant ( third party )... otherwise, no injured party = no law broken ( again, all this to be hashed-out via local to national venues on social media platforms ).


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