Ron Paul

Who is Ron Paul?

Is he the nice little old man that the party is simply going to cow tow to now?  Or will he compromise and call it political discussion, debate or whatever and simply keep writing in his earmarks for his direct master of ceremonies ( Paul desires a gold standard, is open to a one world currency and is more than 50% in gold... which smells that he serves those behind him all these years / the hegemony of a different name but all the same, and a slight of hand yet again ).

This is the big elephant in the room ( pun intended ) which most Pauliticos are unaware of.  I am not ignoring his Constitutional rhetoric, but we must focus on the flaws before enjoying the rush of 'change' that sweeps by every four years and the populous is bamboozled every four years because it is an ignorant and ravaging mob, more so now even today.

A gold standard is just as easy to manipulate as a fiat currency.  And being for a new world currency would debase all other currencies and make nations null and void in their sovereignty and national and local laws useless against the Machine.  That new currency will be the most valuable medium of exchange and only Paul and those wealthy like him and the rest of the asset owning class will trade that, which will fix for themselves a higher position in the fascist pyramid of schemes ( which they already believe to have achieved ).

Unless you personally are of the asset owning class or serve them, you will surely be serving them at your slave wage job for a long time to come ( what is hoped from the hegemony and the endorsement of hired hands on the hill, for that is the definition of their vocation, for the "we the people' they serve is not you and I, it is the hegemony of this kountry ).  This is why I always stress and repeat working for oneself, minding your own business and owning your own assets ( which you can create yourself ).

Paul is the counterpart to Kucinich in the other hen house full of vipers.

We need new wine in new wine skins, and that means all of these old bats, wizards and servants to them must get out. 

Local stalk needs to be raised and harvested, then sent to Capitol / Capital Hill and change that name from 'capitol' ( capital offense, capital crime, capital investment, capital gains tax ) to something less worshiping the golden calf and better serving our fellow man ( which is the point of putting together a government, at least from the populous perspective, but not the reality behind the podium of political pandering ).

To gain a better perspective on why the love of money is truly the root of all evil ( and crimes of the hegemony and those who serve them and / or find out how to escape economic slavery and create your own money ) then CLICK here to begin your financial education.


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