Caeser's Recent Appeal to Immigrants for Loyalty & Praise

Hold your breathe folks as you jump out of the fishbowl:

Seems like it is policy for the federal government to keep wages suppressed ( the argument against undocumented / allowed immigration ) from where I stand.  This is the agenda of the executive office and Obama reads the teleprompter or his approved speech ( which he didn't write ) as an actor does a script.

Obama's handlers know very well appealing to the fastest growing segment of the Amerikan population and their relatives will beckon more attention, loyalty and subsequent votes / support for the continued and unchanging agenda. 

Timing is crucial, and if things get more drastic for that side of the two-headed party, they may very well also call to federally legalize cannabis.

Why not accept the entire immigrant population instead of just the 'choice morsels?' but alas, that's the kind of government mentality that has existed for centuries on this land ( humans as commodities / all those outside the posterity of the U.S. / federal level / class ).  This is a group of people doing business, living lifestyles and dealing in issues outside and away from the mainstream, daily life experience most reading this post experience / know.  They may say they are 'above' the rest.

What I hope people see is the immigrant population, with all the bad reputation that is hurled at them by racists, the prejudice and the very people who benefit from low cost labor ( the hegemony ) is actually the definition of what Amerika started out as: a group of people leaving something less appealing in hope of something much better.. and these folks work long and hard for it.  They are the base of the labor force which supports the level of specialization all the various jobs, occupations and pursuits enjoy their existence. 

The federal government is largely the antithesis to national prosperity and sovereignty.. and they trip the people of this land in every opportunity possible in order to stay a step ahead.... all the while blaming the black man, the brown man, the yellow man, the Arab man now and when the tragedy began here it was the red man which was to blame and scapegoated. 

Adhering to political lines these people create and confuse you with is playing in to their mind game of politalk. 

The argument that immigrants take away jobs which would otherwise be occupied by a U.S. citizen or state resident is silly, for I don't see the ethnic jobs being sought after first generation and up, nor ivy league graduates regardless of their pedigree.

Yet, today's announcement is allowing the younger, more 'cream of the crop' demographic to stay, which most likely do occupy positions or affect the overall market whereas a citizen / legal person would otherwise occupy.

I rant all this to state: Obama, Romney, Paul ( both of those or any other relative ) and all of the rest of these shysters ( this generation and those adhering to the same mentality of depravity in their departure from common law justice ) make moves over the people of this kountry and the world like managers of a farm order more grain when feed is needed and if more chickens are raised that year, then they'll run a sale on chicken and corner the egg market.

This entire 'class' of hired hands need to be RETIRED / FIRED / put out to pasture / whatever you want to call it 'as to not offend them.'

We need new wine in new wine skins.. people like Sergio, who will be more attentive to people living and working in the community and not so much working / representing some rich dope looking to further increase his bill fold but not everyone's livelihood contributing to his wealth.

Whenever the draft will be needed / convenient, it will be enacted... and a few years ago when habeas corpus was in the way of world empire, it was put aside.. and at the crack of this year's dawn... your rights were also placed on the shelf along with your right to jury, due process, etc... straight serf / peasant status now ( in their eyes and minds ). 

To pierce the political veil, one has to look at the money and see what 'that' is.  Find out what the missing piece of the puzzle has been!


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