Who Wants A Broken Health Care System About to Fall to Pieces?
The debate is heated regarding the Constitutionality of today's decision on many levels, and the guise of benefit for all is tough to really believe ( personally ), when I consider how the finances of that industry work and who benefits.
Prices are manipulated and sectors are monopolized, making what used to work before into a manipulated casino like the stock market ( I personally believe caring for people's well being having a price which can be bought and sold is preposterous and akin to any level of equity in any society.
I see the profit motive has overshadowed the vocation of healing, helping and not hindering the patient in any way ( the Hippocratic oath ).
The ridiculous returns of that industry in pushing medicine, justifying mastectomies or other forms of butchering the body, when there are other cancer curing and treating alternatives... these issues need to be in these bills these shysters pass, not just making people pay more or allowing the prices to continue to rise and sift the public.
If the entire industry was brought into non-profit status, will not the price of good medicine and proper medical procedure be cost effective? Will not the doctors and other vocations enjoy their due compensation without having to sell anything ( prescriptions ) for profit???
This foothold of the federal government, overreaching yet again over the sovereign individual states and their free people, is getting to a point of inconsolable agitation, pending a change in mass consciousness.
My mechanic once had chest pains and called an ambulance... he looked at the bill ( he is a business owner and doesn't pay a monthly tribute to some insurance company as everyone is convinced they must do ), he told me the band-aid which held in a needle on his arm was priced at $100!!!!
He says it wasn't anything out of this world like some scientific carbon fiber band-aid, just some simple adhesive brown band-aid which goes for $5.49 for a package of twenty.
Forget about the thousands of dollars the ambulance ride cost including the time of the medics, the use of the instruments ( yes Martha, the 'use' of the instruments and tools are charged by the minute ).
It is a shameful system which, since it is based on a capital profit motive which an absent owner with the poor and sick and now everyone else made to pay tribute to absent owners.. is an affront to anything good.
The system can be managed without an absentee owner ( think of apartments and a good management company that never needs to bother the owner )... or something that is not based on 'does it make money' when considering people's lives, they are HUMAN BEINGS / our fellow brothers and sisters, NOT some commodity or cash cow that can be easily replaced or abused without recourse.
If anyone is deemed 'owner' or temporary benefactor, maybe it should be the people who actually labor away and serve their fellow humans for as long as they hold their vocation ( and possibly a commensurate retirement stipend ).
These are the type of issues which are absent from the debate, for the debate is hijacked by monied interests... and they win whether this thing passes or not.
Prices are manipulated and sectors are monopolized, making what used to work before into a manipulated casino like the stock market ( I personally believe caring for people's well being having a price which can be bought and sold is preposterous and akin to any level of equity in any society.
I see the profit motive has overshadowed the vocation of healing, helping and not hindering the patient in any way ( the Hippocratic oath ).
The ridiculous returns of that industry in pushing medicine, justifying mastectomies or other forms of butchering the body, when there are other cancer curing and treating alternatives... these issues need to be in these bills these shysters pass, not just making people pay more or allowing the prices to continue to rise and sift the public.
If the entire industry was brought into non-profit status, will not the price of good medicine and proper medical procedure be cost effective? Will not the doctors and other vocations enjoy their due compensation without having to sell anything ( prescriptions ) for profit???
This foothold of the federal government, overreaching yet again over the sovereign individual states and their free people, is getting to a point of inconsolable agitation, pending a change in mass consciousness.
My mechanic once had chest pains and called an ambulance... he looked at the bill ( he is a business owner and doesn't pay a monthly tribute to some insurance company as everyone is convinced they must do ), he told me the band-aid which held in a needle on his arm was priced at $100!!!!
He says it wasn't anything out of this world like some scientific carbon fiber band-aid, just some simple adhesive brown band-aid which goes for $5.49 for a package of twenty.
Forget about the thousands of dollars the ambulance ride cost including the time of the medics, the use of the instruments ( yes Martha, the 'use' of the instruments and tools are charged by the minute ).
It is a shameful system which, since it is based on a capital profit motive which an absent owner with the poor and sick and now everyone else made to pay tribute to absent owners.. is an affront to anything good.
The system can be managed without an absentee owner ( think of apartments and a good management company that never needs to bother the owner )... or something that is not based on 'does it make money' when considering people's lives, they are HUMAN BEINGS / our fellow brothers and sisters, NOT some commodity or cash cow that can be easily replaced or abused without recourse.
If anyone is deemed 'owner' or temporary benefactor, maybe it should be the people who actually labor away and serve their fellow humans for as long as they hold their vocation ( and possibly a commensurate retirement stipend ).
These are the type of issues which are absent from the debate, for the debate is hijacked by monied interests... and they win whether this thing passes or not.