Are You Part of the Feudal Problem?

I find the entire real estate industry a shame. Yet folks justify their efforts because of the large checks they earn either in flipping or being a landlord, but don't realize how their participation and the entire system is a fraud created to sift the masses, with themselves being the puppets.

People are profiting off of the ignorance and labor of the masses who must work just to turn over most of their paycheck over to rents ( no return for their labor ) or to a mortgage ( which renders them a realized incentive many years later, for the majority of their money goes towards the interest payment, which is usury / tribute ).

Yet, this reality is either ignored ( denial ) or not seen due to the greed factor.

The gentleman in the story thinks he's doing a noble effort, but he is simply gaming the chattel once again into their slave existence, and then he thinks he is noble in some way for making that move with those debt instruments which aren't even owned by him, but are on loan to hm via the government and regional too big to fail banks, at interest from the central Communist bank ( which most worship by default in this chasing of the wind called real estate ).

Folks who buy real estate don't even really own their property, for it is 'granted' to you if you acquire a grant deed, and since you must pay a yearly tribute ( called property taxes and justified by every great sounding argument ), you are actually paying the state for that grant... and once you stop paying that tribute, you lose your property, no matter if it is encumbered or free and clear.

Real investors, not speculators, nor hired third party hands binding bankster fractionated ponzi money to ignorant end buyers ( the real losers in this scheme of money and wealth worship ) are simply greedy and nearsighted people who salivate at the prospect of quick and easy capital gains while burying their fellow human beings in debt, or at long term fattening of their wallets when land-lording for cash flow... and again, they think they are providing a service, but are actually a modern fiefdom participant and chattel housing manager.

That 'rich' man should actually put his capital to 'work' in producing a needed or meaningful service or product, which will induce other market participants and eventually create prosperity for wherever that business is found. But it is easier to play the game of being a landlord and sit back, get fatter and fatter, while the slaves work every day to support the mechanism he so very much admires and loves... for some people think the more money they make off the backs of their fellow countrymen, the more 'blessed' they must be.

So, yes, I think he is a fool along with all the others who game the corrupt system of tribute to those who print the money out of nothing.... and use everyone as the surety for the debts money created out of nothing, at interest... and btw, the interest amount is never issued into circulation, only the debt amount, and THIS is why systems, not because people are lazy, but because it is made to fail, so real assets can return to those who know what they are doing in their evil and greedy scheming.... and all the other folks who get over-leveraged or only know how to work for a living ( the public school system of indoctrination has perfected this ) must keep toiling away the rest of their lives.


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