What is Man's Law Based On?
If one doesn't realize they have unalienable rights, rendered to them by God Almighty, then they are truly clueless trying to navigate the world of legalese, for it is a trap and snare for men by wicked men. Common law / natural law / maxims of law / organic law is simple and basic to understand, yet there's an onslaught and continued creation of man's 'laws' which usurp and remove freedoms / rights already established on our conscience and enumerated in various places.
When one can put in perspective what has happened from 1215 up to the present, and see how the basics of common / natural law have not wavered, but only the perceptions of men via the creation of man's laws ( in the notion of protecting one man from another, or restricting government, yet the opposite having systematically occurred ) then one can see their present day legal slavery.
If one were to simply look at how the Hebrews, after being given the basic commandments which make sense to anyone with any fabric of ethics or morale, and the subsequent creation of more laws upon laws which created a religion that was impossible to fulfill and the falling away from conscientious precepts in order to fulfill man's rules and restrictions ( Mark 7:13 ), then one can see how this continued creation of man's laws has perverted what is perceived to be justice, but has instead issued tyrannical decrees which the populous believe are good, noble and needed to 'protect them.'
The English / Anglo Saxon method of common law / unalienable rights stems from the Magna Carta when tyranny was overthrown by men with a passion for freedom ( and a faith in God and not some man claiming to be king over them )... and the tide has been ebbing and flowing since then, between the free men walking by faith and the tyrants desiring to live off the backs of chattel... and subjugating them with ever increasing rules, restrictions and regulations.
When one can put in perspective what has happened from 1215 up to the present, and see how the basics of common / natural law have not wavered, but only the perceptions of men via the creation of man's laws ( in the notion of protecting one man from another, or restricting government, yet the opposite having systematically occurred ) then one can see their present day legal slavery.
If one were to simply look at how the Hebrews, after being given the basic commandments which make sense to anyone with any fabric of ethics or morale, and the subsequent creation of more laws upon laws which created a religion that was impossible to fulfill and the falling away from conscientious precepts in order to fulfill man's rules and restrictions ( Mark 7:13 ), then one can see how this continued creation of man's laws has perverted what is perceived to be justice, but has instead issued tyrannical decrees which the populous believe are good, noble and needed to 'protect them.'
The English / Anglo Saxon method of common law / unalienable rights stems from the Magna Carta when tyranny was overthrown by men with a passion for freedom ( and a faith in God and not some man claiming to be king over them )... and the tide has been ebbing and flowing since then, between the free men walking by faith and the tyrants desiring to live off the backs of chattel... and subjugating them with ever increasing rules, restrictions and regulations.