Do You Believe Everything on TV?
Interesting how that rover supposedly landed on Mars, what timing. Same thing with the timing of the moon landing while the Amerikan populous were at odds with the hegemony of that generation and were about to create a full blown revolution due to the mass murdering and empire building in the eastern Asian region, using U.S. soldiers as cannon fodder. Now the focus of empire's expansion is the middle east, and only one country stands outside the sphere of empire in that region. Remember the noblemen who were murdered during that time? The Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King and John Lennon ( just to name a few ) were the revolutionary leaders of their time... yet they were peaceful in their attempts and their speech. And they were silenced for their calls to peace, cooperation and understanding with all people of the world ( a dangerous precept against world conquest by the few who believe the world is their oyster ).
Some folks speculate and suppose we'll see a 'discovery' of alien civilization / proof of life on that planet, which will bring on a hysteria never before seen via mainstream media programming. If you think the fear instilled via the live broadcast of 9/11 of the planes and subsequent demolition of three buildings was powerful...and the subsequent attempts to 'lawfully' strip rights away ( which cannot be stripped away, they are permanent in case you didn't know ) to justify 'security' was bad, how about a full-on 'alien invasion' which would only be avoided if people give up their weapons and religious affiliation... otherwise the aliens would 'wipe us out for being a hostile and waring specie that can't get along with each other, as history has shown.'
Wouldn't that be an interesting movie of the week? Or nightmare for the feeble minds believing every bit of propaganda being spouted by all mainstream sources?
Some folks say the moon landing was bogus and scripted to detract attention from genocide in eastern Asia during the Vietnam massacre, and point to this Mars expedition as yet another orchestrated distracting ploy to usher in an even more sinister narrative and amazing theatrical production.
The dark symbolism of the Olympics have fallen on blind eyes for most of the populous. Folks watched with glee the dark foreshadowing of things planned to come and didn't wince nor question the message, like nice docile slaves begging for entertainment and reasons to be proud of themselves, their kountry and fellow kountrymen and women.
The majority of people believe every little scripted notion on teevee ( news and reality shows are scripted folks, sorry to burst your paradigm bubble ). The minds have been so well conditioned that people call what is good 'bad' and what is truth 'lies.'
"That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result."
"It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success."
- Joseph Goebbels
Some folks speculate and suppose we'll see a 'discovery' of alien civilization / proof of life on that planet, which will bring on a hysteria never before seen via mainstream media programming. If you think the fear instilled via the live broadcast of 9/11 of the planes and subsequent demolition of three buildings was powerful...and the subsequent attempts to 'lawfully' strip rights away ( which cannot be stripped away, they are permanent in case you didn't know ) to justify 'security' was bad, how about a full-on 'alien invasion' which would only be avoided if people give up their weapons and religious affiliation... otherwise the aliens would 'wipe us out for being a hostile and waring specie that can't get along with each other, as history has shown.'
Wouldn't that be an interesting movie of the week? Or nightmare for the feeble minds believing every bit of propaganda being spouted by all mainstream sources?
Some folks say the moon landing was bogus and scripted to detract attention from genocide in eastern Asia during the Vietnam massacre, and point to this Mars expedition as yet another orchestrated distracting ploy to usher in an even more sinister narrative and amazing theatrical production.
The dark symbolism of the Olympics have fallen on blind eyes for most of the populous. Folks watched with glee the dark foreshadowing of things planned to come and didn't wince nor question the message, like nice docile slaves begging for entertainment and reasons to be proud of themselves, their kountry and fellow kountrymen and women.
The majority of people believe every little scripted notion on teevee ( news and reality shows are scripted folks, sorry to burst your paradigm bubble ). The minds have been so well conditioned that people call what is good 'bad' and what is truth 'lies.'
"That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result."
"It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success."
- Joseph Goebbels