What Are Police Enforcing?

Just in case you don't know yet, the police officers and the departments they work for, are corporate fictions... meaning; it is a business. Police are tax collectors ( allowed to issue you a citation / levy / tax for 'breaking' their corporate rules / codes / statutes ).  The police, by definition in performing these 'duties' are revenue agents.

The police have military ranks ( look up in history when that came to be, for before they were sergeants and lieutenants, they had other titles ) and they enforce private laws and private corporate policy ( as opposed to public laws and public policy ). 

An analogy would be a Walmart security guard citing you while you are out in front of your house for a rule created by the Walmart corporation, yet Walmart is miles away. That Walmart cop / officer has NO jurisdiction to even bother you... yet if you were on Walmart property, that Walmart cop now has all jurisdiction and legal grounds to cite you, harass you, etc... since you are on Walmart's property.

Same goes with the corporate police department ( look up when your local police department was incorporated.. or your municipality / city / town / etc. was incorporated ).  They have been given authority by the wonderful legislators of your area ( those supposedly hired to serve your best interests ) to lawfully enforce their boundless creations of laws and rules which in turn sift you dry of your labor and efforts.

If people living in America truly lived in a 'free' country, why then are corporate bodies enforcing private laws which you and I have no say so in their implementation and procedure??

Are you aware of every single law passed by your local, county and state legislatures? Yet, with every new law / rule / statute / code / private corporate law that is passed ( again, the state entity, the county, the city and your local township are ALL CORPORATE FICTIONS with very few exceptions locally )... YOU are expected to obey and comply.  And when you don't, you are taxed ( labeled: issued a citation )... which is nothing more than a 'notice' of violating one of their many corporate rules, yet you believe those rules / corporate laws apply to you... and you comply / consent out of ignorance. 

Haven't we woken up to a police fascist state, where free men and women are treated as commodities to be sifted... by the enforcement of rules which do NOT constitute crimes?

Crossing the street outside the lines is NOT a crime... nor is going over the speed limit... those are 'code' violations. Killing someone is a crime... and harming them or their private property is a crime.

Police actually commit CRIMES against you every time they interact with you, for they violate your privacy, your rights, your property and especially YOU when they attach levies to you and your property ( citations ) and when they put their hands on you for violating a code of theirs ( but not having violated any person's rights or property, what constitutes the definition of a 'crime' ).

Time to look at reality and stop agreeing with the statist mentality of depravity.... you may soon find yourself cheering 'off with their head' at the next lynching rally for someone who spoke out against your favorite dictator.... and you'll think you'll be in the right in doing so.

Here's the proof in my pudding of claims herein:

Watch this well made production exposing what you haven't understood.


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