Who Have You Been?
We need to reoccupy our own minds... by educating ourselves and learn to not follow the platitudes that so many of our friends use as part of their arguments, but fail to see the lack of logic and substance in those rhetorical lies.
We need to reoccupy our hearts and stop pursuing the carrot like a bunch of donkeys, for that is how they get everyone in line... by trying to live the 'lifestyles of the rich and famous'' and then you don't care that in order for one to be very wealthy, many have to be poor and working to support one's lavish lifestyle.
We need to occupy our neighborhoods and get to know who is our neighbor, what they're about and what they have to offer... and learn to serve one another, provide goods and services on a local level... the entire paradigm of empire needs to be broken, but that happens on the personal level...
It is very hard to ask men and women to step away from their check for what they do, for they have mouths to feed and bills to pay... but who's fault is it they live such an expensive empire lifestyle? The person with the largest paycheck reading this thread or with the most 'net worth' is still two to 20 weeks from broke if all their income were to cease... then they would realize how 'free' he / she really is and how dependent on the state's market ( not the free market ) they truly are.. then they will realize the state owns everything and they pay a tribute in the form of property taxes and so on.... then that man / woman will realize their free Amerika is simply the center of the worldwide communist state... the centerpiece of old Rome.... the seat of the empire.
Then they will realize they've been raised as a mental / economic slave, but be careful, they'll just come back with words attacking what they cannot perceive or argue any which way, but will simply attack you personally and denounce you... yet will only be speaking words taught to them by the media and the revised books found in school.
We need to reoccupy our hearts and stop pursuing the carrot like a bunch of donkeys, for that is how they get everyone in line... by trying to live the 'lifestyles of the rich and famous'' and then you don't care that in order for one to be very wealthy, many have to be poor and working to support one's lavish lifestyle.
We need to occupy our neighborhoods and get to know who is our neighbor, what they're about and what they have to offer... and learn to serve one another, provide goods and services on a local level... the entire paradigm of empire needs to be broken, but that happens on the personal level...
It is very hard to ask men and women to step away from their check for what they do, for they have mouths to feed and bills to pay... but who's fault is it they live such an expensive empire lifestyle? The person with the largest paycheck reading this thread or with the most 'net worth' is still two to 20 weeks from broke if all their income were to cease... then they would realize how 'free' he / she really is and how dependent on the state's market ( not the free market ) they truly are.. then they will realize the state owns everything and they pay a tribute in the form of property taxes and so on.... then that man / woman will realize their free Amerika is simply the center of the worldwide communist state... the centerpiece of old Rome.... the seat of the empire.
Then they will realize they've been raised as a mental / economic slave, but be careful, they'll just come back with words attacking what they cannot perceive or argue any which way, but will simply attack you personally and denounce you... yet will only be speaking words taught to them by the media and the revised books found in school.