Do You Still Suffer From State Propaganda and Colonial Entitlement?
These are words in response to a meme I found on a friend’s FacePlant entry depicting a military man in full combat gear and a latina female with an Obama shirt on, something like an employee picture:
The title of the meme is "The New America."
The face of the military man is not seen, so no telling the ethnic makeup or “if” in fact it is an immigrant who traded his allegiance for the glorified ‘legal’ status. The wording for the military man says: "Jason, Combat Veteran, Unemployed and Living on Food Stamps." The image of the latina says: "Maria, Illegal Alien, Employed as an Obamacare Navigator."
My response in several responding posts is the following ( with more exploration here as I expand on my initial points ):
The ploy to divide the people of the world is working.... and folks fall for it by using the very 'buzz' words used to divide and paint a faulty picture.
In one picture, folks fail to realize that the soldier is receiving a check from the Treasury, for he is also a government employee... yet this particular government employee is receiving a rental stipend, food benefit and other benefits for supporting the expansion of empire near and far... working for an economy based on war and the conquest of new places and new peoples. His job is to kill people opposed to the 'freedom' and culture his government is trying to sell abroad.
The other picture is also a government employee... they receive a direct check from the Treasury. Whether or not the female is "illegal" is unknown, but the creator of the meme seems to be working with a prejudice stereotype without providing evidence ( the fail of many a meme on FacePlant, but convincing regardless of facts aside from fiction, for many people don't think but just react and further the ignorance fed to them ). Her job is to sign people up for something many are weary of and afraid of. I have no opinion either way about her occupation, for I say the entire business of 'healthcare' is a sham and what is provided as treatment harms the body more than it helps it ( synthetic medicines and cutting the body up like a mechanic does a car ).
Notice the use of 'illegal alien' instead of a less ridiculous term which incites emotions on the part of the reader. I thought illegal was an 'action' and less a political status, but why argue with ignorance and fallacies?
Have you noticed the mindset of some recent immigrants who desire to close the borders right after they 'get in' yet were not complaining or putting up a fuss when they or their ancestors emigrated to this place called Amerika? I wonder what the complaints were of the indigenous peoples who resided on this land thousands of years prior to its colonization?? Well, what happened to them was genocide... but let's not remember back too far, we might get confused with today's politics and justifications of empire.... in which the mainstream 'official' propaganda fed to the populous is always correct and truthful while dissenting opinions are just that, opinions. Let's not look past how one cultural mentality has made practically extinct many people the globe over and have justified it using religion, revision of history and the droning of platitudes marketed to people's fears and ignorance.
Let us ponder together:
When boatloads of Irish immigrants landed at what is called today New York a few centuries ago, brought in as cheap labor, removed from the land they occupied by the 'royals' of that time, who to the dislike of the current “Amerikans” became a detestable immigrant because their presence depressed labor's wages.... was it 'legal?' ( one source )
When slaves from what is called the African continent prior to and following the Irish wave were being bought and sold as property, creating a labor class which increased the profits of the owners of machinations, was it 'legal?' ( one sourse )
When the colonialists, thinking they were good Christians, were systematically occupying land stolen from the indigenous population ( and in many cases the indigenous were continuously murdered and moved for their land )... was it 'legal?' ( one source )
Yes, these atrocities were 'made' legal and 'allowed' by the government of their time without question of whether it was "right" or "wrong." The 'allowance' was based on the ignorance, indifference and greed at that time... and for the thinking person, they can judge for themselves the now obvious injustices wrought from those times. Has anything changed today? Aren't the high crimes of empire merely called and titled differently? It is called "bringing democracy" and "liberating the people" and other such lying platitudes.
Yet, why cannot folks decipher and judge the ignorance of today? Is it possible some folks choose not to think and instead are instigated and dulled by the propaganda media? It is clear to some that others have a hard time understanding a historical perspective when a clearer perspective is not available to them in history books. ( one source evidencing revision of history )
I hope this current rant of mine isn't seen as an attempt to support anything promoted or attacked by any government opinion. My hope is that people look past the guise of propaganda, look past the fears instigated in them... which are fed by lies and half stories... and realize the division conditioned upon them directly by marketed one-sided stories... which is a powerful tactic when folks make judgment calls based on their feelings and emotions rather than a foundation of facts. And when folks aren't even working with a foundation of facts, what else can one expect?
The poor Irish immigrants were considered undesirables, and although the term "illegal" wasn't used to describe them, they were in all purposes of definition 'illegal' in today's perspective. The slaves were considered "illegal" when they would try to speak or exercise a 'freedom' and were seen as less than human, not because they were, but because that is the notion that was propagated at that time. When the colonialists established their laws and pushed out and murdered the indigenous from their lands, those natives were "illegal" if they would attempt to enter a business establishment, tried to assert their right to life and to stay on the lands of their ancestors, or have any kind of business in 'civilization,' for they were considered 'savages' by all accounts of that time.
Today the same class distinction is being made, making the immigrant a slave and a savage all in one breathe.... unless of course you hire them to look after your children, clean your home or cook your food.... then they are simply falling into line, into an unspoken pecking order as they 'make it' in the land of the free and the home of the brave, right? Well, the free were murdered and pushed off their fertile lands... and they are now branded as the Braves for some 'past-time' that is called a sport.
Did you know that up until the 1950's, in the oh so honored United States of Amerika, only White Anglo Saxon Protestants could own real estate property.... and it was “legal?” ( Shelly v. Kramer )
Notice how the hegemony in any given point in human history can write and rewrite the 'law' to support their endeavors... but again, let us not juxtapose today with yesterday, for the hypocrisy of mankind will spill all over our conditioned points of view and will judge us hypocrites ignorantly supporting rule by force instead of rule by right. ( I'm being sarcastic, I hope you can tell )
The hegemony of today is still playing on people's blindness of conscienceness for their fellow human being and is still dividing otherwise common people with common interests.
The colonialists illegally occupied the land.... and their descendants still stomp on the rights of men who have the blood of their ancestors in the land.
Interesting how no one can argue the sins of the current empire yet could only repeat the propaganda produced by this empire and find themselves in a pickle of ignorance.
Does anyone realize the ploy of the federal government, in order to keep wages low, allow for the influx of unskilled labor to enter the land? How do you expect your stock market values to rise and Walmart prices to stay low?
Do you suppose the labor wage slaves in Asian countries who put your shoes and clothes together are going to gripe when Amerikans start producing their own shoes and clothes? Will Walmart exist when Amerikans begin to purchase Amerikan products? Will the Walmart shoppers be able to afford Amerikan products or will they demand products produced by $1.00 a day laborers?
Do Amerikans care about facts or just what makes sense to them and helps them feel safe?
Will Amerikans work for $1.00 a day wage or will they let the immigrants work at that rate and then expect the immigrants to "go back to their country" after being sifted of their energy and labor? What if that immigrant enlists in the military and helps conquer a foreign country for their resources and cheap labor... can they then be praised for being a sacrificial immigrant who "got their priorities straight" and be welcomed as 'good Amerikans?'
Do you really believe the Waltons and the other stock owners will lower their income stream to make room for higher Amerikan wages if all the jobs would be stateside instead of overseas?? That $5 plastic product will instead be $15... and you won't be shopping there anymore.
Do you not notice the divisive tactics your own government propagates onto your psyche while you continue to blame a scapegoat... in this case an immigrant, by calling them "illegal" while Amerika was built on sin, war, illegalities and crimes against humanity???
Today it is the latino... tomorrow it will be the middle eastern person... oops, the middle eastern person has already been in the gun sites of Jason the now unemployed veteran. Perhaps I should say; the latino is the enemy at home and the middle eastern person is the enemy abroad... until of course that middle eastern person is a new immigrant working their way up the corporate rope ladder while not questioning the racism and prejudice from the conditioned mindset of the descendants of colonial entitlement.
Perhaps I should have included the meme I was referring to.... the visual with the propagandized verbiage could have spoken louder than my attempt of making sense out of ignorance. I have updated the original blog with the image.
Your response looks to be full of the hateful conditioning FoxTrap news and others are known for; their divisive and racist bating to divide otherwise like-minded people with like-minded values.
For the record and to state things clearly:
I don't personally subscribe to the "we" and "our" that many subjects of the empire are so conditioned in using. I am sorry but I just don't follow the narrative nor the terminology.
Am I not saying it is NOT acceptable to continue such ignorance nor faulty policy? Am I not pointing out the hypocrisy and utter ignorance in my example of a first generation Irish born immigrant hating recently arriving Irish immigrants? Did you miss that point?
You may want to reread what I wrote; reading the words I wrote as someone not associated with the political rhetoric nor platitudes sold the Amerikan people daily via the mainstream media.
Unfortunately, from reading your words, it sounds you may adhere to the programming of blindly obeying the rules some others put together without your direct consent. Do you not realize your perception of the world has been fed to you? How else can my words and what I am describing trigger the automatic response of indifference and the prescribed use of your terms? I could have listened to Fox News for fifteen minutes and would have heard the same insults.
It seems that Amerika, the latest empire, has run out of excuses and options in its attempt of world dominance... and looking back at the meme: the Amerikan who thinks their ancestors originated on the land called America but in fact came from waring tribes who were looking to loot, steal and cover up the fact of genocide, is so happy to be sending and sacrificing their children to propagate the Babylon system of buying and selling.
It is for oil and regional dominance the men and women who have perished in the wars are fighting for.
It is the control of wealth and resources, within the guise of 'security' put up as a front to enlist the poor and ignorant into sacrificing their lives.
It is the many enlisted who are taking their lives because they realize they have destroyed the lives of the innocent in distant lands for NOTHING.... well, it was for something: wealth into the already wealthy.... while the enlisted go about looking for a job and the scapegoat is yet again the immigrant, the dreamer, the believer in the Amerika sold to the world... a place you can sacrifice your children to the military to enjoy inexpensive wares at Walmart.
And my point is that the dimwitted enlisted person AND the dimwitted immigrant are believing the same lie of "Amerika; land of the free and home of the brave" and other poor selling platitudes. The recently born national and the recently arrived immigrant are seeking the same thing yet are blind to the true enemy.