Conditioning Your Life Via Media Programming
Every day there is a story in the news about something bad that happened. That type of media programming should be called the Bad News, for most of the programming coming from there is bad. What is the product of bad news programming? Here's an article showing how children are affected when watching negative / violent images and themes on television. And why in the world is it called 'news' if you hear nothing but the same story with only names and places being different?
Could it be that when a certain looking individual ( skin tone, ethnicity, religious affiliation, etc. ) is accused of a crime, a headline and story is used to reinforce a stereotype which feeds the subconscious and perpetuates racism and fear aside from statistics? Could your favorite news or regularly scheduled programming be "priming" you to hate your neighbor for no good reason other than what you've been led to believe about your neighbor? Here's an article about a test which may have you thinking. The people in that test respond in a peculiar way when reading certain words and seeing certain objects, but do you suppose the messages in the news and regularly scheduled programs have little to no effect on your subconscious, your attitude and world view?
Here's a one minute video that will grant you an insight into how powerful media programming is.
What was your attitude soon after 9/11 of men wearing turbans and women wearing burkas? Did you ever take a longer look at someone who was dressed in religious garb after that event? Remember the envelopes with some white substance? Were you thinking about that the next time you opened your mailbox or sifted through your mail? These are all signs of being hypnotized by the news media and programmed into viewing things in a particular way.
Here's an insightful research paper on bad news and how it is purposed by program directors. This paper shows Amerikan news programming contained twice as much violence as its Canadian counterpart ( page 3 ) in both 1971 and again in 1990 when the studies were conducted. Is Amerika simply more violent and its media simply reflects this violence? Is Amerika more violent because of the media portraying more violence? Do these two factors feed on themselves?
On one hand people do need to made aware of what is happening in the area they live in... to be informed and to be notified, but hasn't the programming become more a manner in which to strike fear into people rather than advising them of issues and current affairs? Haven't we also seen many instances that the news media failed to reveal or disclose information which, being truthful and important, would also shed light on the wrongdoings of some who may be thought of to be untouchable or too powerful to expose? The Franklin Boy's Town scandal is one example that comes to mind. Another example is Watergate. And one other example from further back in recent Amerikan history is the fact that President Roosevelt was in a wheelchair but the world ( and Amerikan public ) never knew it for fear that the image would weaken the national identity. The last example is contestable and certainly not fear-mongering, but it goes to show when a consensus to conceal something is agreed upon, the general public is left in the dark. And the general consensus of news media today seems to be sensationalizing the trivial while adjusting the bigger stories to fit a narrative or support a political aim. The employed news reporter follows what their program director desires to broadcast... and as you've heard the sayings "if it bleeds it leads" and "sex sells" and other excuses for perpetuating a hypnosis of fear, the stories and the manner in which they are messaged to you have a purpose behind them... truth and objectivity aside.
Consider what you feed yourself, for what you hear on the radio, what you see on the television and what you watch on the big screen is called programming for a reason. Choose your programming wisely or choose not to be programmed, which to me is the better choice.
Program: / verb / to cause ( a person or animal ) to behave in a predetermined way.
Could it be that when a certain looking individual ( skin tone, ethnicity, religious affiliation, etc. ) is accused of a crime, a headline and story is used to reinforce a stereotype which feeds the subconscious and perpetuates racism and fear aside from statistics? Could your favorite news or regularly scheduled programming be "priming" you to hate your neighbor for no good reason other than what you've been led to believe about your neighbor? Here's an article about a test which may have you thinking. The people in that test respond in a peculiar way when reading certain words and seeing certain objects, but do you suppose the messages in the news and regularly scheduled programs have little to no effect on your subconscious, your attitude and world view?
Here's a one minute video that will grant you an insight into how powerful media programming is.
What was your attitude soon after 9/11 of men wearing turbans and women wearing burkas? Did you ever take a longer look at someone who was dressed in religious garb after that event? Remember the envelopes with some white substance? Were you thinking about that the next time you opened your mailbox or sifted through your mail? These are all signs of being hypnotized by the news media and programmed into viewing things in a particular way.
Here's an insightful research paper on bad news and how it is purposed by program directors. This paper shows Amerikan news programming contained twice as much violence as its Canadian counterpart ( page 3 ) in both 1971 and again in 1990 when the studies were conducted. Is Amerika simply more violent and its media simply reflects this violence? Is Amerika more violent because of the media portraying more violence? Do these two factors feed on themselves?
On one hand people do need to made aware of what is happening in the area they live in... to be informed and to be notified, but hasn't the programming become more a manner in which to strike fear into people rather than advising them of issues and current affairs? Haven't we also seen many instances that the news media failed to reveal or disclose information which, being truthful and important, would also shed light on the wrongdoings of some who may be thought of to be untouchable or too powerful to expose? The Franklin Boy's Town scandal is one example that comes to mind. Another example is Watergate. And one other example from further back in recent Amerikan history is the fact that President Roosevelt was in a wheelchair but the world ( and Amerikan public ) never knew it for fear that the image would weaken the national identity. The last example is contestable and certainly not fear-mongering, but it goes to show when a consensus to conceal something is agreed upon, the general public is left in the dark. And the general consensus of news media today seems to be sensationalizing the trivial while adjusting the bigger stories to fit a narrative or support a political aim. The employed news reporter follows what their program director desires to broadcast... and as you've heard the sayings "if it bleeds it leads" and "sex sells" and other excuses for perpetuating a hypnosis of fear, the stories and the manner in which they are messaged to you have a purpose behind them... truth and objectivity aside.
Consider what you feed yourself, for what you hear on the radio, what you see on the television and what you watch on the big screen is called programming for a reason. Choose your programming wisely or choose not to be programmed, which to me is the better choice.
Program: / verb / to cause ( a person or animal ) to behave in a predetermined way.