The Religion of Science

I was recalling to a friend of mine some time ago that when man looks far out into the night sky, man sees objects which twinkle and such.  Man notices these objects moving about each other, and some who are called 'scientists' have recently 'discovered' that the unseen has more energy about it and within it than what is seen.  This is paradoxical to the basis that science is used to dealing with what it can see or touch and with that which is measurable.

Interestingly enough, a similar phenomenon happens when man looks close and near into the microscopic level and further within.  Man ‘sees’ the subatomic but when there is nothing else to ‘see,’ there is still something there… and it is called by scientists a quark.  They say quarks are held together by what scientists call gluons ( I'm not making this up ).  The intellectuals in the science lab have yet to find out what is inside a quark.  It is interesting to find the conclusion when gazing far out and into the enormous proportions of the seemingly infinite sky is the same conclusion when one goes into the not so seemingly infinitely small... the conclusion being a big ? ( a big question mark )

There is a pattern to this creation, as we have a pattern and develop patterns.  There seems to be a design and quite a sophisticated design at that.  When speaking as to whether this is all by happenstance ( mankind coming from monkeys which came from amoebas which came from nothing.... ) or if in fact there is a Designer to the world, what is more apparent than clear and popularly acceptable answers is where folks derive their information and methods of explanation.  This makes the difference whether you'll be enjoying an edifying conversation where two people may be learning something new... or where the argument will most likely be someone telling you you're wrong and that they know something because science has given definitions to names while not having the answers to prove it.

Seems like science has a faith / religion of its own that calls other faiths / religions false... interesting.

Let us consider now the wonder of how people breathe.  We now understand the manner in which breathing works.  We understand that plants breathe out what people and animals breathe in.  In turn, people and animals breathe out what plants breathe in.  This is amazing when one really thinks about it.  How in the world can a symbiosis like this come about by chance?  The odds / chances are better on a fixed slot machine in an obscure Las Vegas casino run by crooks.

Let us now consider how water is distributed all over the world.  You drink water, it filters through your body and you deposit the water out... that water eventually makes its way either back to the ocean if you made the deposit in a toilet connected to a sewer system... or if you made the deposit in the woods / on the ground, that water partially evaporates and the other part moistens the ground.  If to the ocean directly after a sewer system, some parts evaporate into the atmosphere eventually becoming clouds ( and rain ) while other parts go through aquatic plant life and perhaps even through the gills of fish and further on.  If deposited in the woods / on the ground, some parts partially evaporate and go into the atmosphere where eventually it will be turned into rain.  The other parts which moistened the ground may water whatever plant form is nearby ( their roots ) and in turn the plant form absorbs that water as their means of making food for themselves, called photosynthesis.  The rain falls on mountain tops ( and depending on which fancy brand of water you buy, here is your 'source' sort of ), filters down into rocks ( absorbing minerals ) which may replenish an aquifer, or run down mountainsides into rivers filling a dam... and somehow by modern science you buy filtered water, or go to the well and pump it out... or scoop it from an elevated stream, there the process begins for you anew. 

It is absolutely amazing to see how we live in a closed circuit of sorts.

We are not far removed from nature but are actually in the middle of the entire process.

We are dependent on a process in which we have no control over ( the parts of the clouds, rain, minerals, etc. ).  Neither do we have control over the process of the water as it filters through our body... and neither do we have control of the process as it goes through a plant, evaporates or fills the seas.  We simply enjoy the outcome of the complexity before us... and some still argue this is nothing extraordinary or it all just happened.  I don't know what is more amazing; the thought that all this is unfathomable and quite exciting when one realizes the intricacies or the thought that some people actually believe this is just all a big coincidence.  Both notions make me say "wow" but saying it in a different way.

Let us consider the planet's distance from the sun ( one of billions of stars one can see in the sky at night ).  Did you know that if the planet was any closer to the sun or any further from the sun it would be impossible for life to exist?  A few miles closer and it would be too hot and likewise if it was a bit further it would be too cold.  How in the world can this reality just occur by happenstance?  Why, with all the discoveries, there has yet to be any life found on other planets ( other than of course the theories, but no proof )?  Here's a definition of this amazing reality that is indescribable ( sure, some do describe things in a rather pessimistic way, and you'll notice their manner of descriptions... these are the prophets of the religion of science ).

How can such an intricate system of life ( our bodies and the rest of nature ) be found on a planet ( which is also living in such an amazing way ) that has no equal?  Not even a poorer example elsewhere is to be examined to determine whether it has all been a coincidence and something that 'just happened?'  I tell you, something is amiss in the mainstream acceptance of theories which have at their base many unknowns.  The religion of science is taught one way the world over; viewing your selves and your world as machinations which came about by chance and without purpose... but we see how the plants have a purpose ( to feed us and let us breathe ) and we have a purpose to the plants as well as the rest of creation.  We see the water has a purpose and is vital to life.  We see the planet is purposefully in perfect balance in space.

To not accept and believe all the tenets of science developed by sophisticated minds who arrive at 'unknown' as their answers is like apostasy to the teachings of your purposeless existence you have received.

Beware the prophets of science who say you are a well-developed monkey. 

Enjoy this short lecture by Rupert Sheldrake regarding the religion of science, you may be quite surprised.


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