Money at the Center of the Health System

Another movie / documentary worth mentioning: SICKO by Michael Moore.

Cinema Verite is attempted as is with every documentary made... even "the news" attempts cinema verite, but we know one needs to decipher today's news and cannot accept it at face value, right?

Well yes, I know this came out some time ago, and I do remember seeing it... but today I know so much more than I did when I first viewed it... and WOW... am I inspired to get out and start something ( a speech, a protest, a march, getting people to vote, to WAKE UP FROM THE CONDITIONING AND THE PROGRAMMING ).

Any thoughts?

Anyone paying too much for health insurance today?

My monthly rate was just raised to $138 from $131, and my deductible is either $1500 or $3000, don't remember... I know of seniors who were paying $700 a month, who have finally reached age 65 and had their premium lowered to just under $100 a month... and instead of yelling over the raping of their savings / retirement ( that's $8400 a year ) are just breathing a sigh of relief.


But I have family members and friends who've been sucked dry by the greed system we know as "private health care" and have arrived in the poor house... and they are again, grateful for any relief ( they are broke and tired and feared up by the media... as is almost every poor sap... do you know folks like this, hmm? ).

Any thoughts?

Pros and cons to Michael's slant? Agree or disagree? Any real life experiences either way?

I am not surprised the same argument continues to be heard on the boob tube and radio, talking about how taxes will go up, how government intervention will ruin our health standards and more rhetoric and fear mongering.

I went to private school from 1st to 6th grades until I was removed for disciplinary reasons.

It was suggested I go to military school, but thank God my parents were more reasonable and allowed me to go to public school.. which where I was living at the time wasn't the best when contrasted with the private school I just left.

However, when I moved across the country to a different state with different demographics and "type" of folks ( not as inner city as where I came from ), the school system was much better ( richer district ) and the teachers actually cared and they helped me out greatly ( in regards to discipline and growing up )...

So from that experience I deduce that the "system" of a socialized school system works, but only if money is sufficient which can pay for better teachers.

Why can it not be the same with the medical / health industry?

I think since it is profit motivated ( as was depicted when Nixon was conversing with an aide regarding Kaiser's profit method as opposed to a national health system ).... he found a way to open the door to big money and allow better health be available to the better paid / financially positioned persons of this country.

The question on every business owning, or hard working individual ( regardless of party line - I agree THEY are one party and WE haven't been invited - ) is will taxes go up?

Yes, because the money that is being siphoned from us for what we are getting now when we look at defense, schools, fire, police, etc... is over bloated and being spent in bloated ways to cater to elbow rubbers and pocket greasers.

Once folks wake up, get out and voice their opinion and actually vote, then we'll see things change....

We need to get folks to stop listening to the likes of FOX news and other marginal, rhetorical and one-sided outlets... there was an executive at FOX news which took off the moment he had to start "obeying" Murdoch's daily memos... he recognized the day's of true journalism ( at least at that institution ) were dead and gone.

One must see how it was shown in the documentary "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" how the private media convinced the public through lies and manipulation until the other side ( in that case the state / elected party ) was able to broadcast their message.

Someone should watch that documentary and give their thoughts.... very telling how we're "programmed" and "conditioned"... thus why this health industry battle has been so hard to fix.

I can't remember last I had a doctor look me in the eye more than their watch in order to keep their train of clientele flowing through their office ( getting paid over healing folks ).


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