What Money Can Buy You

One thing is for sure folks... people in power and with the loot to perpetuate their influence have always attempted to subdue their fellow man... both locally and abroad ( history depicts this ).

In the days of Rome, so many Cesars marched across land to do this very thing... we've seen it throughout the world's known history.. today it's called something else ( freedom, human rights, 1st world "saving" the 3rd world )... but it's the same song and dance by the same selfish and greedy heart.

Recent history showed the English subduing India, South Africa and Australia among many others... they tried it here and the builders of this country kicked their butts!

Now, whether there is a master plan to completely subdue every living soul on the planet by some elitist group, that is to one's summation of things.

Biblically speaking, that is the "other guy's" main purpose ( the one who was kicked out of heaven and was given this place to rule )... but it takes faith to believe such things... yet once you do, it makes sense ( need to believe it in order to see it ).

On humanistic terms.. our recent history ( last 200 years ) has seen so many additions to the Constitution, that we are inundated with law after law.... which instead of making us a freer society, it actually has made us more bound to the inclinations of our fellow man, and we hope they will govern justly... the noose has been tightened ever so tightly... and those already subdued and at the whim of the government ( poor and on welfare and benefits ) already agree with every creed the government will throw at them "for their own good" and in the vein of "we are looking out for you."

Haven't we seen injustice in the place of justice ( many televised examples ), haven't we seen the making of war for an unjust cause or behind a lie? And this yet again!?!?!

Haven't we also NOT prosecuted certain individuals for their wrongdoing because of their status or financial strength?

I just recently went to a gathering for mourners of a family member who was killed by her boyfriend... but, unlike the trial of Phil Spector, this individual who shot his girlfriend went directly to jail and will soon be imprisoned for some time, possibly death ( he too said she killed herself, but evidence shows otherwise )... but Spector paid for six years of freedom ( outside of jail, going about his business and continuing to enjoy life ), had a mistrial and has finally been convicted ( by a hair of a chance mind you )... so you see, riches pays off folks to defend you in spite of guilt.... Spector's money paid for his freedom, albeit it was for a time..

Same with celebrities... why do you think the depraved live in a country where sexual deviance is NOT frowned upon by their government?

Point being, I see two sides in the world...it is not only upper class, middle class, and lower class as we've been trained to believe... it is Class.... and then the rest.

Unless you are born into this elite class, or work / marry your way in... you are on the outside of the classroom.. and subject to the whims of government to subdue you and further manipulate you for their convenience...

Step outside the box of conventional thinking folks... it is tough... but once your mind begins to set itself free from the "programming" you'll be surprised, shocked and angered....and hopefully will turn that energy into something useful and help your fellow man escape the conditioning.


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