Seeing Clearly Beyond Indoctrination
The economy works in a trickle-up fashion ( when the poorest people have money to spend and buy things.. it feeds the entire apparatus ), yet as lies would have it and dark minds would promote it, someone somewhere mentioned 'trickle down economics' which was and still is a flat out lie and deception to further strengthen fascism and solidify the worship of mammon.
To know and taste true freedom, buy, sell, trade and barter amongst yourselves. Realize and learn you can issue your own money / create your own agreements and can freely ignore altogether the centralization ( communism ) of the state's many mechanisms ( using their money, their banks, their 'ways' ).
And soon you may realize, you don't need these inept 'leaders,' for you are to be responsible and be leaders yourselves..... for many centuries men have done things on their own and amongst themselves in equitable fashion. Only in the latter parts of history's timeline have men been foolish enough to think they must depend on government or a group of greedy men for their livelihood.
When the masses are indoctrinated and not even schooled on what money is and how it really works, the masses start at a disadvantage ( Rich Dad Poor Dad lesson #1, but who has read or comprehended that book? ).
Whatever it is to be called today ( some say it is capitalism, lol ), the Babylonian system of buying and selling 'works' if most participants know how to go about the game without losing their shirts or being slaves to the very small and smart few who run and control the tribute system ( modern style banking of issuing debt money and demanding interest ).
I think the average person, whether a laborer or executive pulling in seven or more figures annually, if they were to stop laboring after their paper money, would be broke in 2 to 20 weeks... Unless they 'own' income producing assets that would run themselves in their absence ( another Rich Dad lesson / point ).... yet, even those mechanisms depend on people NOT knowing how to run their own or have their own money machinations... again, a system which runs on the ignorance of the masses ( your modern and lovely 'capitalism' or better defined 'corporatism / fascism' but who really likes using or reading those tough words? ).
And tell me, how many people really even know they are slaves... regardless if they live in a mansion along the coast or in a rat infested alley downtown wherever?
The machine needs compliance and allegiance... as more slaves wake up and realize.... the less commodities these machinations have at their disposal... yet, just like that movie the Matrix aptly portrays, those commodities who wake up are by default now enemies of the system.
I've met folks who have moved to 'vacation' spots and started a small business there to serve the rich and not so rich who act rich for a week or two... and they are living in a practical paradise... and enjoy their labor, for they make new friends every day... and they happen to reside somewhere most only dream about... sounds like a good deal to me... they have traded the rat race in the city for serving those momentarily escaping the rat race for a moment of indulgence. I call vacations a time the farmer lets out their cows to graze in whatever pasture they choose, for a time ( usually two weeks out of 52, right? ).
Men and women make up the machine.. it is all about a change of heart and of mind... if one can do so individually ( as I try to continually do daily ), it can happen in others... and yes, it is difficult to remove oneself from Babylon.. and no one wants to lose their status or position in the empire, for who wants to suffer poverty and be ridiculed or find themselves at odds with the populous and those who manage the slaves?
Every police officer I happen to speak to lately seems to dislike what is happening and their role in it all, yet they are stuck... they can't wait to retire, but their battle is a conscientious one which I have already began to confront years ago.. thus why I didn't participate in military service or police service when deeply considering such 'professions' in the empire, but chose the road less traveled. I believe somehow God spared me and prepared me to identify and vocalize what I now see and what you now read. I sleep soundly at night.
I'm astonished my recent interactions with what used to be 'public servants' ( I noticed my local city's police department patrol vehicles do NOT have 'to protect and to serve' on them anymore ), but are now corporate lackeys and revenue agents ( and they know it, but again, love their position of power, leverage and the paycheck, but those choices, whether complacent or not perceived, do come at a price not materialized at the moment, yet will be made known in the heart and mind and conscience soon enough ).
Fear is quite the powerful tool to keep folks in check, submissive and obedient to the system... and these very cogs in this system wish to defend it, for their lifestyles, position and leverage over others in the food chain depends on it.
We all have a choice, but may I suggest not even considering the choice to work harder or smarter to fill a house full of consumer products which give a semblance of 'wealth' or a false sense of security.
We have a choice to brave the truth or simply comply to slavery.... I think many are only seeing one of two choices ( being a house slave or a field slave ), yet no one notices the choice of being free and being master of yourself in terms of what you do 'for a living' and also fail to see the many other choices out there, yet having no slaves at all:
" the revolution the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects.... and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty." ( Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, at pg 471 )
Let us not align ourselves with a lesser of two evils. Let us not follow their faulty logic any longer.
Let us actually realize everyone who actually must get up every morning to 'do' something in order to put food on the table or keep a roof over their heads is actually on the same side of their coin, yet have been divided expertly by their weapons of mass distraction.... let us also realize we have received the conditioning indoctrination prescribed by them which limits our ability to cognitively evaluate matters and see things clearly.
We should be grateful and thankful we are not so lost as those who wish to subdue their fellow man and call that action 'just' or 'righteous leadership.'
We already posses true wealth if we really consider our high position in this life... for wealth is deceptive... what is true wealth anyway?
To know and taste true freedom, buy, sell, trade and barter amongst yourselves. Realize and learn you can issue your own money / create your own agreements and can freely ignore altogether the centralization ( communism ) of the state's many mechanisms ( using their money, their banks, their 'ways' ).
And soon you may realize, you don't need these inept 'leaders,' for you are to be responsible and be leaders yourselves..... for many centuries men have done things on their own and amongst themselves in equitable fashion. Only in the latter parts of history's timeline have men been foolish enough to think they must depend on government or a group of greedy men for their livelihood.
When the masses are indoctrinated and not even schooled on what money is and how it really works, the masses start at a disadvantage ( Rich Dad Poor Dad lesson #1, but who has read or comprehended that book? ).
Whatever it is to be called today ( some say it is capitalism, lol ), the Babylonian system of buying and selling 'works' if most participants know how to go about the game without losing their shirts or being slaves to the very small and smart few who run and control the tribute system ( modern style banking of issuing debt money and demanding interest ).
I think the average person, whether a laborer or executive pulling in seven or more figures annually, if they were to stop laboring after their paper money, would be broke in 2 to 20 weeks... Unless they 'own' income producing assets that would run themselves in their absence ( another Rich Dad lesson / point ).... yet, even those mechanisms depend on people NOT knowing how to run their own or have their own money machinations... again, a system which runs on the ignorance of the masses ( your modern and lovely 'capitalism' or better defined 'corporatism / fascism' but who really likes using or reading those tough words? ).
And tell me, how many people really even know they are slaves... regardless if they live in a mansion along the coast or in a rat infested alley downtown wherever?
The machine needs compliance and allegiance... as more slaves wake up and realize.... the less commodities these machinations have at their disposal... yet, just like that movie the Matrix aptly portrays, those commodities who wake up are by default now enemies of the system.
I've met folks who have moved to 'vacation' spots and started a small business there to serve the rich and not so rich who act rich for a week or two... and they are living in a practical paradise... and enjoy their labor, for they make new friends every day... and they happen to reside somewhere most only dream about... sounds like a good deal to me... they have traded the rat race in the city for serving those momentarily escaping the rat race for a moment of indulgence. I call vacations a time the farmer lets out their cows to graze in whatever pasture they choose, for a time ( usually two weeks out of 52, right? ).
Men and women make up the machine.. it is all about a change of heart and of mind... if one can do so individually ( as I try to continually do daily ), it can happen in others... and yes, it is difficult to remove oneself from Babylon.. and no one wants to lose their status or position in the empire, for who wants to suffer poverty and be ridiculed or find themselves at odds with the populous and those who manage the slaves?
Every police officer I happen to speak to lately seems to dislike what is happening and their role in it all, yet they are stuck... they can't wait to retire, but their battle is a conscientious one which I have already began to confront years ago.. thus why I didn't participate in military service or police service when deeply considering such 'professions' in the empire, but chose the road less traveled. I believe somehow God spared me and prepared me to identify and vocalize what I now see and what you now read. I sleep soundly at night.
I'm astonished my recent interactions with what used to be 'public servants' ( I noticed my local city's police department patrol vehicles do NOT have 'to protect and to serve' on them anymore ), but are now corporate lackeys and revenue agents ( and they know it, but again, love their position of power, leverage and the paycheck, but those choices, whether complacent or not perceived, do come at a price not materialized at the moment, yet will be made known in the heart and mind and conscience soon enough ).
Fear is quite the powerful tool to keep folks in check, submissive and obedient to the system... and these very cogs in this system wish to defend it, for their lifestyles, position and leverage over others in the food chain depends on it.
We all have a choice, but may I suggest not even considering the choice to work harder or smarter to fill a house full of consumer products which give a semblance of 'wealth' or a false sense of security.
We have a choice to brave the truth or simply comply to slavery.... I think many are only seeing one of two choices ( being a house slave or a field slave ), yet no one notices the choice of being free and being master of yourself in terms of what you do 'for a living' and also fail to see the many other choices out there, yet having no slaves at all:
" the revolution the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects.... and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty." ( Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, at pg 471 )
Let us not align ourselves with a lesser of two evils. Let us not follow their faulty logic any longer.
Let us actually realize everyone who actually must get up every morning to 'do' something in order to put food on the table or keep a roof over their heads is actually on the same side of their coin, yet have been divided expertly by their weapons of mass distraction.... let us also realize we have received the conditioning indoctrination prescribed by them which limits our ability to cognitively evaluate matters and see things clearly.
We should be grateful and thankful we are not so lost as those who wish to subdue their fellow man and call that action 'just' or 'righteous leadership.'
We already posses true wealth if we really consider our high position in this life... for wealth is deceptive... what is true wealth anyway?