The God of Wordly Possessions and Consumerism
Here's an excerpt from a MLM company who sells something and the 'testimony' of a recent convert:
In his own words: "A year & a half ago I lost everything material in my life - Lost my home, my furniture, my car and the most significant loss, my self-esteem and my dignity. I lived on a fixed income of $900.00 per month. I rode a borrowed bicycle back and forth to my Real Estate Office...the economy hit my real estate business hard. I was at the lowest point in my life and business just wasn’t picking up. I didn’t know what I was going to do until... I ate Cheese, Tuna, Crackers and Bread for 12 months with only my faith that God would come thru.
April 1, 2012 - This was the Day that Barry M. and Don W. introduced Nerium to me and what Don told me CHANGED MY LIFE forever.
He said...”Jon, follow what I tell you because the Nerium system works and you’ll have a car within 90 days” (and you can give the borrowed bike back!). After following Don's lead...I did everything...ALMOST. The night of my fourth RRP at the Pierpont Inn, I decided to skip it in order to send more videos. I received a call about 10:00pm that night from Don "Where were you at the meeting?" - I told him and he said to me, "you will never get your Lexus now. YOU HAVE TO STAY PLUGGED IN to Nerium’s proven system, not Jon's system!” I felt like I was hit by a MAC Truck! I panicked because I knew this was my LAST CHANCE RUN CLUB & that to succeed I must keep plugged in to the system.
From that day on, I made RRPs my top priority, used the Product Prospecting System diligently & within 45 days, I received my iPad. I then went on to earn my Lexus on day 60 and Cancun was so incredible. & Now at the end of my fourth month, I am RMD! Yes! Regional Marketing Director! REALLY!? I am amazed!!! Nerium has completely changed my life.
Believe me- If you follow the Nerium system and listen to the amazing leadership team...You will attain everything...yes EVERYTHING YOU WANT!
Thanks to my TEAM and Silver and Brittany, Don, Barry, Ursula and Dr.Randy, PK, Annie and Tasha!)
I thank you God for giving me back my dignity and my life! I am humbled.
Why is it that man equates possessing material 'things' with blessings from God? Or, losing material possessions being equal to losing one's dignity? Where are man's values set on? Is the material goods one possesses a sign of spirituality or God's hand working in one's life? Is wealth a sign of God's grace being upon you?
I mention these things and ask these questions because, from reading the 'testimonial' regarding the selling of a skin product, and the responses, folks seem to equate the acquisition and money and things to God working in their lives.
If this was so, wouldn't Christ have actually owned something during the short time spent on earth? Wouldn't the early disciples who followed Him and helped author the scriptures which people come to know God by have been blessed with amazing wealth and worldly possessions and would have praised God for those possessions? Please point out those passages and examples in scripture for I seem to have missed them.
Could it be that folks in the western culture are so weened on the buying and selling of things and the comforts which come from that activity, that they think the more they have or earn is somehow blessings from God?
This is what the God who gives life says about these things:
"Yeshua replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
- Luke 9:58
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
- Matthew 6:19-24
In his own words: "A year & a half ago I lost everything material in my life - Lost my home, my furniture, my car and the most significant loss, my self-esteem and my dignity. I lived on a fixed income of $900.00 per month. I rode a borrowed bicycle back and forth to my Real Estate Office...the economy hit my real estate business hard. I was at the lowest point in my life and business just wasn’t picking up. I didn’t know what I was going to do until... I ate Cheese, Tuna, Crackers and Bread for 12 months with only my faith that God would come thru.
April 1, 2012 - This was the Day that Barry M. and Don W. introduced Nerium to me and what Don told me CHANGED MY LIFE forever.
He said...”Jon, follow what I tell you because the Nerium system works and you’ll have a car within 90 days” (and you can give the borrowed bike back!). After following Don's lead...I did everything...ALMOST. The night of my fourth RRP at the Pierpont Inn, I decided to skip it in order to send more videos. I received a call about 10:00pm that night from Don "Where were you at the meeting?" - I told him and he said to me, "you will never get your Lexus now. YOU HAVE TO STAY PLUGGED IN to Nerium’s proven system, not Jon's system!” I felt like I was hit by a MAC Truck! I panicked because I knew this was my LAST CHANCE RUN CLUB & that to succeed I must keep plugged in to the system.
From that day on, I made RRPs my top priority, used the Product Prospecting System diligently & within 45 days, I received my iPad. I then went on to earn my Lexus on day 60 and Cancun was so incredible. & Now at the end of my fourth month, I am RMD! Yes! Regional Marketing Director! REALLY!? I am amazed!!! Nerium has completely changed my life.
Believe me- If you follow the Nerium system and listen to the amazing leadership team...You will attain everything...yes EVERYTHING YOU WANT!
Thanks to my TEAM and Silver and Brittany, Don, Barry, Ursula and Dr.Randy, PK, Annie and Tasha!)
I thank you God for giving me back my dignity and my life! I am humbled.
Why is it that man equates possessing material 'things' with blessings from God? Or, losing material possessions being equal to losing one's dignity? Where are man's values set on? Is the material goods one possesses a sign of spirituality or God's hand working in one's life? Is wealth a sign of God's grace being upon you?
I mention these things and ask these questions because, from reading the 'testimonial' regarding the selling of a skin product, and the responses, folks seem to equate the acquisition and money and things to God working in their lives.
If this was so, wouldn't Christ have actually owned something during the short time spent on earth? Wouldn't the early disciples who followed Him and helped author the scriptures which people come to know God by have been blessed with amazing wealth and worldly possessions and would have praised God for those possessions? Please point out those passages and examples in scripture for I seem to have missed them.
Could it be that folks in the western culture are so weened on the buying and selling of things and the comforts which come from that activity, that they think the more they have or earn is somehow blessings from God?
This is what the God who gives life says about these things:
"Yeshua replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
- Luke 9:58
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
- Matthew 6:19-24