CBD Is For You And Me ... THC Is Not

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” 
- Genesis 1: 29
There once was a manmade swell that turned into a wave that will soon crash into the shore and obliterate all modern concepts of medicine.

When looking at the Cannabis plant, and the cannabidiol (CBD) component and how it interacts with the human body's cannabinoid receptors, one realizes what God created and why.

One can also understand what Hippocrates meant about letting thy food be thy medicine.

The ebb may be slower than the flow due to the money factor, but culturally - the idea of taking synthetic medicine will be similar to taking up the habit of smoking cigarettes made with poisons and other harmful ingredients to purposely make you addicted.

The idea of taking synthetic medicines with side-effect warnings would be revealed for the insult to humanity, nature and God that it is.

The promotion of synthetic medicines instead of natural medicines will be shown for the reckless disservice it is to humanity, and the greedy self-serving effort it is to its proponents.

The consideration of things not naturally based, but far removed from nature and the natural order, will be seen for the evil that it is (and has wrought) on earth.

Then a new swell of nutrition, natural foods, and natural medicines will flood the landscape (and our lives).

If only cannabis proponents who chase momentary 'highs' from the THC component would cease yielding to their addictions.

Perhaps the true purpose of the plant can be freed from shame and controversy... yet this motivation is what has, ironically, funded the plant's filtration into the world's societies.

But as inroads into the science of CBD continue to be built, the shame and controversy attached to marijuana will likely subside.

The typical human frailty of chasing high escapes will be seen alongside the many other naturally occurring substances manipulated to alter man's state of mind.

Perhaps men will then embrace the tasks they've been asked to overcome.

Consider what it has taken to get stubborn and nearsighted bureaucrats to 'see' past the shameful stigma and the arrogance of some scientists.

Consider the results when applying natural solutions rather than man-made non-solutions built upon a profit motive ignoring prophetic realities.


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