Extreme Christianity

Is there such a thing as extremism in Christianity?

Yes; extremism exists in every religious ideology.

Primary examples, interpretation of texts, historical evidence, and understanding paint a picture.

Christianity is based upon the Gospel message: the good news that Messiah appeared on earth, established God's kingdom, and salvation is proclaimed in His Name Yeshua.

The Old Testament predicted the Gospel and Yeshua fulfilled the hostile demands of the Law of Moses when He made peace through His sacrifice.

No justification for violence exists in the Gospel.

No teaching of violence from Yeshua nor His disciples for the first 300 years since the resurrection.

Only martyrdom and love in all things.

When the secular state adopted the faith as their state religion, dark clouds formed in the hearts of some men.

Justifications for violence were taught, but not all believers followed these teachings from below.

The faithful continued following Messiah into heaven.

There are 'extreme' teachings in the Gospel.

Love your enemy”, “turn the other cheek”, “bless, do not curse”, “do not be overcome by evil”, “overcome evil with good”, “do not take revenge” are extreme in a world that was, and continues to be, violent and hostile towards God's children.

All subsequent teachings after Messiah contradicting peace (justifying violence) are not from God, but from below.

When any person (regardless of religion) justifies violence of any kind, even in defense of himself or his property, they reveal dark clouds in their heart.

They reveal they doubt Messiah's promise of salvation... or they never knew Him.

Have you heard of 'moderate Christianity'?

It allows room for violence and hypocrisy.

Have you heard of 'moderate _______' (man's religion)?

It asks violent religious people to ignore the teachings of violence in their believed-to-be inspired poetry book and to be more like extreme Christians.


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