How Democracy Crucified Jesus

Although some deny, there is a Single Force who does control what occurs and all outcomes.

(Greek dēmokratía, literally "rule of the people"), in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as "rule of the majority". Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes. 
- Wikipedia (first paragraph in that article entry)
Let us explore a few ways this definition of democracy coincides with the events that led up to the crucifixion.

Not all manners of mass consensus or popular sentiment (semblance of democracy) should be construed as 'wrong'... unless it contradicts the Word of God and the call to love humanity.

The measure of right and wrong is defined in the Bible, from the Law of Moses and its fulfillment in Messiah as the Law of morality and ethics continues.

Throughout the Bible we read of God ruling from heaven... and this reality has never ceased to be.

God rules through an appointed man and his progeny. (Genesis 1: 26; Isaiah 8: 18)

God rules through a sanctified priesthood. (Exodus 19: 6; Hebrews 7: 26)

God rules through an established kingdom. (2 Samuel 7: 12Matthew 12: 28)

God rules through subsequent earthly kings and His royal court. (2 Samuel 7: 16Revelation 20: 4)

God continued to rule after the people rebelled and rejected the Lord as their King long ago in the days of Samuel and later the Lord Himself, Messiah. (1 Samuel 8: 7; Matthew 21: 42)

Ever since Messiah, the Lord thy God, the King of kings rose into heaven, God's royal court has its apportioned time of residence over the earth. (Revelation 20: 6)

The reality of God's monarchy on earth is at times physically visible, at times only spiritually discerned to the children of God.

Rejection, or rebellion, did not (and currently does not) mean God simply gave up (or has gone away).

He, instead, continues to meet people at their weakness and, according to their low manner, further establishes what He had planned despite people's ignorance and clouded and confused desires.

God uses people's weaknesses and failures in a purposeful way to bring about His unchangeable Word.

Nothing escapes God's knowledge nor allowance nor will... and God works through people's shortcomings to bring about His glory.

Even when the ancient Hebrews went into exile and a foreign earthly king ruled over them after the Hebrew earthly kings were killed and deposed, God's will and Word continued His fulfillment.

Many Hebrews feared the exile for obvious reasons, as do the children of God Today feel the temptation to fear the signs of rebelliousness and wickedness on earth ... yet these events and repetitive human patterns are purposed so judgment is exacted on the wicked according to God's justice.

God reassured His prophets (and by extension the people) that even a pagan and foreign king was under the Lord's command and will bring about God's will according to His Word. (Isaiah 45: 112 Chronicles 36: 23)

Thus, domestic and foreign 'leadership' has forever been subject to God's Sovereignty.

Since Messiah returned to His heavenly throne, the royal courts of His kingdom have been firmly established on earth as they've been extended from on high. (Psalm 82; Matthew 19: 28)

At the dusk of the last days of the prior age, and at the dawn of the new age in which we now live, God established His heavenly kingdom on earth through His very Person: the King of kings, Lord of lords, Yeshua Messiah. (Acts 2: 36)

God's Sovereignty and authority continues through those He has appointed ... through His royal priesthood. (John 20: 231 Peter 2: 9)

Today, God continues to reign from heaven through an earthly king ... but very few understand this, believe this, or know 'who' this king is.

Much how a man is known to men by his humanity, this king is known to God by His anointing upon that man, and such an anointing is only revealed to those God has chosen to reveal Himself to through His king.

Now read again democracy's definition and where it says no single force in the definition.

Notice how all the rest of the terms have attempted to give people leadership in God's kingdom.

If such people are not in submission to Yeshua as their Lord, what then are they doing?

Arguably it is outright denial, not acknowledging God's Sovereignty from Above through His king and established kingdom - His royal court.

Consider what God has revealed through His Word and man's historical record of failure.

The rejection of monarchy has been a recent populous sentiment in the history of the world; about three centuries before this article's writing.

Walls, division, dissension, and indifference have infiltrated hearts and minds where love and His Spirit is to bind.

The very definition of democracy and human attempt to rule one's self outside of the Way of Yeshua as Lord flies straight in the face of God, His kingdom, His order.

Since not every monarchy since Messiah has been comprised of the royal priesthood, served by His priesthood, nor led by his earthly and anointed king, many instead have been dens of vipers and impostors.

Some have been revealed as false prophets who have claimed to speak God's Word but their manners have revealed them to be anti-Christ.

Some efforts by religious men and women over the centuries have shown themselves to closely resemble the Way from the outside, but have been shown as corrupted human efforts.

Individualism has a semblance of empowerment, but when such single-mindedness is found outside God's love as found in Messiah, it is a democracy of one rebelling from God's order and kingdom.

God's monarchy is not obvious, neither is His priesthood nor His king in physical terms.

One can 'see' such things in almost every culture of the world.

From poverty-stricken ghettos to the most wealthy neighborhoods.

From the most hostile environments to the most peaceful of places.

From the atheist's domain to the religious offerings of the zealot.

The 'seeing' is not a full and complete picture due to the human tendency to perceive the world according to a centric view.

God's kingdom is not a manner of human effort or exterior representation although there are glimpses and shadows of such.

Some of the children of God are identifiable, while others are not so easily acknowledged.

But what of the monarchy of God that has never been dethroned, or removed, or revoked?

Although men have made many governments for themselves and have invoked many 'kingdoms' of men, by their deeds and overt wickedness their loyalty and their 'god' is revealed.

Or at least, the 'god' that is promoted despite the Lord being worshipped in people's hearts, minds, and souls behind closed doors.

By the shifting away from the Law of God to human laws made to appease the greedy or the mob's depravity.

By the rejection of the King from Above for earth-borne and false decadent princes.

By the ignoring and contradicting of God's law for the praising and pandering of promiscuity and perversion.

By these the Lord does not stand silent, nor turn a blind eye.

By the many efforts of men to gather a popular consensus in vain attempts to obscure, or defeat, or deny the Lord and His kingdom long established... the pendulum shall swing in the opposite direction people have purposed by their own attempts.

All according to God's timing.

God's Word speaks of time frame mentioning a thousand years and another thousand years (and perhaps another and yet another).

Are those thousand years counted as men count years?

Has God's messages of 'time' ever been humanly literal or measurable according to man's language of math?

Notice how there are times of planting, times of watering, times of pruning, times of harvesting, and times of burning the chaff while the gold is refined... whether within a season, a human's calendar year, an era, an age.

In seeking 'freedom' many have become philanderers of the flesh and worshipers of idols.

In seeking 'rights' many have pursued rebelliousness and violence.

In seeking 'truth' many have thrown Truth to the ground and raised planked pillars splintered in spades.

The 'great idea' of democracy has been excused as outright rebellion to God's Law, while there is sure evidence of correcting inverted religious indoctrination void of love and mercy.

In response, the Lord has hidden His earthly king and His court from the eyes of the wicked while still exacting justice and proclaiming the Lord's favor to His children.

This is what happened when the religious and empty leadership of Israel conspired to crucify their heavenly King.

They gathered and convinced a crowd to carryout out a cryptic accusation against Truth manifested.

By beguiled consent, and manipulation, and in protest, and by threat of violence the empty religious vessels, void of love, convinced the secular authority to carryout their scheme.

A public protest ensued and enacted a 'democratic' manner (the rule of the people) in obscuring the established law of the land that God had brought about.

The Israelites had previously lost the 'right' of being ruled by God directly through His king and priesthood in all sovereignty, and had swayed away from His rule and into the hands of a secular society... all by God's foreknowledge and the growing pains of the new age.

The death penalty was removed from their power and was only to be executed by the secular state.

When the threat of further unrest, of much noise, protesting, and the gathering of a mob to further their wishes ... the face of democracy convinced the secular authority to proceed with the people's death wish upon the Messiah.

Such is still Today.

Not all methods having derived from the idea of democracy has had dire consequences or been contradictory to God's Word.

One contradiction by popular consensus (democracy) is how abortion was made legal in some places on earth.

One compliment (in the light of grace revealed by Messiah), by popular consensus (democracy) capital punishment has been outlawed in some places on earth.

Another contradiction is 'legalizing' what has always been immoral, depraved, corrupt, and detrimental to individuals and society.

Today, perversions have been argued as 'rights' and have been passed by man's laws... yet God's Law is not ignored by His royal priesthood and His council of kingdom officials.

Consider what happened to the secular society that spilled the blood of the saintly martyrs for three centuries after the Lamb's holy blood.

After three centuries, that seemingly invincible kingdom of men known as the Roman Empire came to its knees and was broken into many parts.

Consider, also, how His kingdom continued to grow and continues to persist Today.

This is a warning to all kingdoms of men, and parliaments based on base human immorality and not built upon the Word of God, and those who strive against one another according to temporal matters and their personal greed.

What will come of the current empire or state government that pursues the pacifying of the perverted mob and continues to throw Truth to the ground?

What will come of those hired hands who have pursued public service yet do not serve the Lord, the God of heaven and earth?

What will come of those who spill the blood of the saints and think they are performing a service to the Lord God of heaven and earth?

What will come of them who have followed a false prophet and have praised that dead man's name in place of the Holy Name of God revealed from heaven by which all men are to be saved? (Acts 4: 12)

Will their own mind's conceptions overrule the Law written in heaven and revealed on earth?


In pride such ideas take hold, yet in the fall such pride is revealed for the vanity it is.

Although people deny, there is a Single Force controlling what occurs and its outcomes... and every knee shall bow and praise the Holy Name of this Single Force: the Lord thy God. (Philippians 2: 10)

The following verse speaks to God's anointed king walking the earth Today, and to those who resemble kings, and those earthly princes who are pagan or indifferent to God's saints and are instead men of violence and intrigue... for God's hand maneuvers the hearts of all mankind:
In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water 
   that He channels toward all who please Him. 
A person may think their own ways are right, 
   but the Lord weighs the heart. 
- Proverbs 21: 1-2


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