Prejudiced Rhetorical Questions
2 Corinthians 2: 17 |
What does a Christian look like?
Are they as obvious looking as a Muslim in traditional religious clothes?
Does a Christian resemble a Buddhist monk and what monks wear?
Do Christians only wear a certain type of clothing, like a traditional Muslim or a Buddhist?
What about ethnicity?
Is a Christian only from a certain ethnic group, or only from where Christianity was or is or has been traditionally the state religion?
Are Roman Catholics only Italians?
Are Presbyterians only English?
Are Baptists only white or black southerners?
What do Muslims or Buddhists or Atheists look like?
Isn't the commonality, and what should always be stressed, is that Christians, despite their external and doctrinal differences, proclaim Yeshua to be Lord?
Does that proclamation hold significant weight in only one way or various ways?
Could that proclamation be the last thing said prior to one's head being chopped off?
Could it also be the good confession of someone who has come to believe Yeshua is their Lord, and are about to be baptized into His Holy Name?
Doesn't it also mean so much more?
But again, do we see Christians only dressed in certain clothes?
Do we not see the clergy of certain Christian groups and other smaller Christianity-based groups dressed in uniforms?
Do 'the clothes make the man' as that saying goes?
Are people righteous, or 'good' according to what they wear?
If I wear white the rest of my life, is that some guarantee of my inner righteousness or a guarantee of my passage into heaven?
How about if I perform certain rituals perfectly yet still live a wicked life?
Can such rituals 'save' me although I still continue in perversion, murderous strife, the hating of people I do not even know, and judging others according to their heritage, their religion and to what I perceive from them?
Do some people actually believe they can enter heaven if they do such things?
Is God like our human nature, hating and fighting within as well as without?
Or are we trying to be like God in how we treat and speak to others?
Does God want us to be like Him or only like ourselves?
What is the example of God for mankind?
Is it a man who denied the idea of a God and instead sat around speaking thoughtful poems while accepting handouts so he can survive?
Is it a man who drew blood and forced people into either financial submission or into converting to his brand of religion, one whose tomb we can visit in the desert?
Or is it a man who taught love no matter what others do to you and, is believed to not only have predicted His death, but is believed to have also risen from the dead and went back to whence He came?
Is it ourselves and what we perceive as right from wrong?
Do you think some argue yes?
Isn't this quite remarkable and interesting and odd?
But do we who have tasted the fruit from Above know that the external realities do not equal the internal revelations?
So did the message of Yeshua Christ demand that people change their outward appearance over what goes on in their hearts and minds?
Did the Gospel message demand that certain rituals and rites be done only on certain days, only by certain people, or that prayer was a systematic public effort to be mimicked by all others?
Did Christianity start out as the depiction it is in later history, with inquisitions and burnings at the stake?
If not, why do people blame God or the Gospel for such atrocities of men who obviously were wrong and wickedly wayward?
Did the Gospel teach others to kill those who opposed its message?
Did Yeshua teach to strike down those who ridiculed Him or the Gospel message?
If one were to read the Gospel message, doesn't something quite uncommon to mankind (mankind's fleshly reaction to man) been revealed?
Can logic answer the literal interpretation of the Gospel message?
Doesn't man's logic fail to completely encapsulate the understanding that asks one to see past the physical world and perceive the unseen?
Are spiritual realities logically perceivable by man's logic and cognition when man desires observable proofs to evidence the spirit world?
If not, then why do men demand physical proofs of the spiritual world?
Isn't that an illogical demand when the spirit isn't a logical cognition?