Way To Salvation Part One

Acts 4: 12

Salvation is a broad topic, encompassing philosophical and religious ideas.

Vastly in-depth can the idea of salvation be, and the notion can become complicated depending on how deep one would care to go.

For some people, a boatload of money would arguably be their 'salvation' from bills, debt and poverty.

Their idea of salvation may blend with the thought of freedom and security, but this type of 'salvation' is temporal and only considers the physical plane.

The individual may feel 'saved' from worry of food, shelter and other basic necessities of this life.

Other people, never having to experience death would be their idea of salvation.

The notion of living forever isn't a new one.

Every single human being has experienced the death of at least someone that was somewhat close to them.

Death is a heavy and stinging thought to ponder, both the death of others and especially of oneself.

The desire to stave off death, prolong life, or escape death altogether is a journey of thought and consternation.

Some other people consider the notion of salvation as repulsive because they think when death occurs they will simply close their eyes and nothing else will be realized.

For these people, there is nothing after their final breath.

Perhaps because the notion of “sin” is directly correlated to salvation, these thoughts are cause for discomfort in the fragile hearts of many people.

The idea of salvation brings the thoughts of God, sin, judgment and many other themes which have been firmly fixed into the minds of all cultures the world over...and widely rejected due to religious intolerance and also perhaps in the pursuit of this life's joys and glories.

Whether judgment will be from a council of ancestors as some civilizations have considered, or from an all knowing deity, salvation (arriving to a higher, peaceful or similar conscience existence after death) has weaved itself into the consciousness of mankind.

Some people dismiss the acknowledgement of God, and consider religious ideas to be an archaic, ancient and antiquated notion.

Although science has done a great job of defining what happens to the human body at death, science has yet to detect the spirit world (considering spirits are not energy, and thus not measurable by human observation or man-made instruments).

But what does one say to the many people who have witnessed salvation for themselves, personally, or have heard about it from others?

Dreamers have recalled many 'experiences' although dreams are not solid proofs to convince a skeptic.

What about people who have 'seen' someone's spirit, or some person who was known to have died?

Narrowing down the stories from people who may have been under the influence of a mind altering substance, or a motivation to 'sell' something with their story, what of people who have nothing to gain from sharing their experience(s)?

What can be certain is that people who consider the idea of salvation do so because something tells them it is of great importance; that it is real.

Where and how do we find the way to salvation?

For those who believe, what is salvation and whose depiction of salvation is accurate or true?

Some argue that performing a certain list of activities leads them to salvation, somehow bargaining with God to accept them for their good deeds and religious service on earth and as a trade for forgiveness of their wrongdoing.

A large book can be written (and many volumes of books have been written) to identify every notion of 'salvation' from the various points of views around the globe past and present.

This is why I'll point to Him whose very Name is Salvation, since His Salvation is the only salvation I have known although I've searched the others...in the second part of this article.

Read Part Two.


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