Audible Poetry Speaks Timeless Reality
The following song, like so many other poems put to music, speaks about Today, as it could speak of the many yesterdays.
The patterns of humanity seems to be a constant friction emanating from an inner struggle showcased on a world stage.
The solution Today, as has always been in days past, is to love, forgive and not wrestle over what is temporary, even our mist-filled lives.
As usual when I post a song, I like to interpret either a single speaker (monologue), or dialogue (perhaps between God and a man), or several speakers.
In the case of this song, I'll suggest a dialogue between God and man, but I won't identify my particular interpretation of Who is speaking to whom and when... although some lines may be obvious regarding who the speaker is.
Enjoy the visual here while reading the lyrics here:
Every where is freaks and hairies, dykes and fairies;Tell me where is sanity?
Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.
I'd love to change the world - but I don't know what to do,So I'll leave it up to you.
Population - keeps on breeding, nation bleeding,Still more feeding economy.
Life is funny, skies are sunny, bees make honey,Who needs money? Monopoly!
I'd love to change the world - but I don't know what to do,So I'll leave it up to you... Oh yeah,
World pollution, there's no solution, institution, electrocution,Just black and white, rich or poor, them and us,We'll stop the war!
I'd love to change the world - but I don't know what to do,So I'll leave it up to you... and Good Luck!
- Ten Years After