Jesus Has Left...No Stone Unturned
As This Leafy Branch Left A Legacy In Concrete, So Has His Love Left Imprints On Our Hearts. |
Jesus just left Chicago and He's bound for New Orleans
Well now, Jesus just left Chicago and He's bound for New Orleans
Yeah, yeah
Workin' from one end to the other and all points in between
Took a jump through Mississippi, well, muddy water turned to wine
Took a jump through Mississippi, muddy water turned to wine
Yeah, yeah
Then out to California through the forests and the pines
Ah, take me with You, Jesus
You might not see Him in person but He'll see you just the same
You might not see Him in person but He'll see you just the same
Yeah, yeah
You don't have to worry 'cause takin' care of business is His Name
- ZZ Top (Dusty Hill, Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard)
Believe it or not, it was songs like this that helped me as a young teenager.
I was in a new state, new city, new living arrangement and facing new challenges.
With a handful of cassettes and a radio, it was listening to the likes of this music at night that would help me fall asleep.
The musical choice was suggested by a cousin who would go on to a successful career as a musician and producer, eventually winning Grammys and such.
His suggestion was about learning guitar and appreciate guitar work; it was these songs that added to his influence and learning.
I had derived inspiration for identity from him as I had done from uncles, brother-in-laws, a grandfather and my dad.
What I realize now as a man in my 42nd year of existence in the flesh is this:
The Holy Father had already fashioned a world for me to thrive in, to enjoy and to be long as I keep my attention on Him and His Way.
Not worry-free regarding consequences for bad decisions, but without worry regarding good decisions in the face people who would love me less than He always has.
Listening to this song and others like it remind me of those days when things seemed dark and hostile.
What I realize now is how God has inspired an entire world to praise His Name in the most unlikely and unnoticeable ways.
This song is quite obvious, but even with this rock band one can realize how God's hand has touched the hearts and minds of many people...and how praise to His Name continues to reach the far corners of the world.
Some people can dismiss the culture formed around Jesus as yet another pattern of humanity reflecting what they've been indoctrinated with...but do lies persist throughout times and in different places forever?
As societies are opened up and peeled back like an onion, myth is revealed as such, and fact is realized as such.
As certain society's history are opened up for dissection, fact is separated from fiction...and truth prevails time and time again.
Jesus came from a fairly insignificant tribe, among a not very significant small group of peoples in a particular corner of the world easily forgotten.
However, that corner of the world seems to be recalled throughout history due to the supernatural and its key role from ancient to modern a hub of hubris for those who desire to conquer there.
What would drive varying peoples from a variety of identities to adopt and adore the personhood of Jesus Christ as Lord and God of all things seen and unseen?
Misplaced idolatry?
How about these (at least) 15 facts among a billion: fulfillment of what was predicted / prophesied about several centuries before Christ?
In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His Presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
- Daniel 7: 13-14