Reality Perceived - Actually Realized
It is difficult to pinpoint certain things about 'life' since so many variables make up our perceived reality besides pinpointing what is actual reality.
Perception is dependent on an individual or people's view and understanding.
Human perception and understanding is always limited.
Is anyone able to perceive actual reality?
If perceived reality is limited, how much more actual reality.
Has science been able to perceive, or clearly explain, everything from perceived and/or actual reality?
If the answer is yes, then black holes, dark matter and dark energy are three 'things' that would not be theorized, but factual realities not able to be refuted or defined otherwise.
Science says black holes exist, but it is unknown what resides at the event horizon and the other side.
These three 'dark/black' mentions are considered 'dark/black' because they are unknown, although there is never a shortage of theory, opinion and guesswork in talking about them.
Before measurements of science identifies any 'thing' unseen as 'actual', it is anybody's guess 'if' such things can be proven to exist, besides again the ideas or theories surrounding such ideas and things.
How is 'spirit' understood, then, if spirit is unmeasurable and at times indescribable?
Can spirit ever be understood according to scientific methods?
Not yet...but maybe one day...yet, will spirit be understood as 'spirit', or will it be labeled something else? 'dark energy', perhaps?
Here is a list of Christian scientific thinkers from medieval times to the present...and notice the collective wealth of discovery and understanding derived through such as these.
Here is a decent news article that explores the perceived realities between science and spirit and how they shouldn't be two exclusive departments of exploration, but a joint understanding.
To further the effort in understanding perceived realities into finding actual reality, this effort may need to be bridged and synchronized.
Mental hostility from either branch towards the other needs to be remedied.
Obstinate thinking needs to be resolved to realize how one approach is needed to complete the other. (regarding cognitive understanding of the unmeasurable)