The End Has Been Nigh And People Are Nighsighted
1 Corinthians 15: 52 |
Looking from the U.S. perspective (I currently reside in the U.S.), this year has seen its fair share of natural disasters.
Some of the 'news' of disaster is broadcast live via traditional professional media, some through the internet by the common amateur.
In most cases, the reports become more detailed after the fact of their occurrence.
I personally don't think disasters have been occurring more than usual this year as in times past.
World news almost daily reports a catastrophe from some corner of the earth.
In the U.S., our news media does report on most highlighted cases worldwide but focuses on those affecting the U.S..
This should reasonably go without much explanation, because people typically focus and pay closer attention to the matters which strike closest to home.
We all have such a default point of view.
When disaster or trouble occurs in a far corner of the world, it may seem those things are not much in relation to what happens next door or in one's own country.
We may not 'know' those people, so it is easy to perhaps lament for a moment and then think about something else the next moment.
But when disaster happens to people you may relate to, or call your fellow countrymen, or when it is much closer, then it is psychologically and emotionally a different matter...isn't it.
One's mortality is reminded.
Those hurricanes which have passed onto American shores...did you notice they also passed over several Caribbean islands and devastated those peoples and places?
Loss of life and home was realized.
For the islanders, this is too real.
But for some of those stateside, they may breathe a sigh of relief and gratitude any certain storm did not head their way.
Prayers are sent up so the course of destruction may change and go elsewhere...yet what of the concern for those not related to us?
Are there prayers for those brothers and sisters of ours across the earth?
This isn't an article to make people feel guilty, but to make you aware that our field of service is beyond our neighborhood.
Be not nearsighted, but rather farsighted.
Some of us are called to specialize in personal holy discipline and to always have our homes in order.
This is our church and is as far as some of our efforts will take some of us, without shame nor regret, for this is the basis of the calling.
Others are called to extend a focus of love onto their neighbors and surrounding community.
Their church encompasses a wider field.
Yet still others have a worldwide focus that covers all of mankind.
The love is the same; whether to only one other person sharing our roof, or the people in our towns, or those spread over the mantle of the earth.
For all three examples, our hearts are to extend to all of humanity.
As for times of the end, consider how the 'end' happens for any individual who has passed away.
For the people who have died this year, from either natural or manmade disaster or however they tasted death, they surely have experienced their end of days.
Their human existence has come to an end.
Plenty of opinions exist, from a variety of religions, regarding the end times and how such realities will play out.
Within and without Christianity (official doctrines and periphery ideas), some people think the 'end' is yet to arrive...since we still 'live' and are not elsewhere.
In one instance, one can easily agree without argument.
Here is this man (me) writing these very words at... (let me look)... 2:00pm P.S.T. on Wednesday 20 Sept. in the 2017th year of our Lord, and you are reading these words, now, at a time after.
However, this man considers the patterns mentioned in Scripture, evidenced in history, and realized in daily life, reveal a repeat of the past in a manner of ways.
I believe that 'end' that most Christians are awaiting has already happened, but not as one currently interprets.
I believe the entirety of the New Testament has occurred...and continues to occur in ways beyond what most people are able to understand (including myself).
As I'm sure every Christian can agree; anti-christs have come and gone, with more being found time and time again.
Yeshua Christ has ruled His punishment over such wayward souls, from heaven, time and time again.
So also has our Christ comforted, saved and redeemed His children, from heaven, time and time again.
For those who disagree with this assessment, ask yourself how long does a ripening stay alive (on the vine) prior to being harvested?
The individual experiences their times of seeding, watering (and occasional drought), ripening and eventual harvest (with one final harvest always awaiting).
As our journey builds upon past times of this growth process, realizing a harvest of sorts in due time, so also has the church grown and realized harvests of sorts throughout times.
Notice those immense and deep roots of our church, building upon the blood of the martyrs year after year, century after century, time after time, and harvest after harvest.
The the kingdom of God on earth continues its patterns as explained by Christ, with times of planting, pruning, watering and harvest...until that final harvest.
Will mankind and the heavenly witnesses realize that final harvest any 'time' soon?
Will mankind and heaven's witnesses realize another intermittent 'time' of harvest instead?
Each of us will eventually know the answer to both questions soon enough, yet I believe this 'time' will be an individual realization.
Those who now rest in Christ today and while I wrote this article...they have realized their final harvest...and now view all things from the best of places.