Spiritual Gifts Misunderstood: Speaking God's Language

What is a gift?


- a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present

- a natural ability or talent

What else can be understood about a gift in a spiritual context?

Is a spiritual gift 'received' and 'used' and 'held' as one does a physical gift?

The perception is that something is 'given' and that the gift can be expressed at-will by the recipient.

However, this is speaking from man's perception, not considering how God enacts and directs His will.

Let us read about the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues / languages:
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?... 
...Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.” 
- Acts 2: 4-8, 13
Notice what was realized by the hearers: hearing their native language spoken by Galileans (who spoke only Hebrew and / or possibly Aramaic).

We don't have specific details in these ancient texts explaining 'how' this gift 'works'.

We can only decipher and deduce from the text, and this is sufficient in allowing an understanding.

It does say that the hearing was surprising.

Usually the focus has been on the speaking.

Notice how some did not hear what others heard, but mocked the phenomenon as something else.

Some present did not 'hear' what others did.

This may be interpreted as the Apostles speaking in unintelligible words, but I don't think so.

Unintelligible words are addressed later in a letter to the church.

The gift at this moment was for the hearing of the foreigners, to proclaim the Gospel and the reality of Christ's resurrection as mentioned later in the chapter.

In certain religious organizations today, some people attempt to 'prove' that they have received the Holy Spirit by speaking unintelligible words, citing this passage as their validation.

Yet no 'tongues of fire' are seen descending, and no one 'hears' an actual message translated in their native tongue...not even the 'noise' is translated into an actual message.

Babbling and much erratic dancing is instead witnessed, and no where do we see this 'example' in the Gospel, letters, or elsewhere in the ancient church.

Some argue that the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues has passed away along with other gifts.

I think this too is a faulty and doubt-filled teaching.

For one who has seen and heard things remarkable, I cannot agree with such baseless and faithless claims.

The person who has never seen nor heard, it is understandable for them to disbelieve the miraculous.

But I must attest that the teaching that limits what God can do through and among the faithful is based on poor interpretations of Scripture and doubting God's power.

It is based on following opinions taught as doctrine rather than building one's faith in what God can and does continue to do.

It is following men instead of Christ, following doctrines of men instead of experiencing God's sojourn in Christ.

The babbling of nonsensical words is also following opinions taught as doctrine in effecting an imitation of something spiritual, and is addressed clearly here:
So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me. So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church. 
- 1 Corinthians 14: 9-12
To those who believe that such gifts have somehow died or shriveled up like a parched tree drying out from not being watered; this is likely believed because one has ceased to drink in God's water.

Where does it say such things will forever cease and be forever silenced and will never be realized or witnessed never again?

Does it not simply say that tongues will be stilled in certain places?

Does 'stilled' mean forever silenced, or is the message speaking about a certain time and place until another time and place shall allow?

The context in that first letter to the Corinth church is addressing manners and activity in and of the church.

In chapter 12 it speaks to the hierarchy of service in the church, and how God has enacted this service.

It then speaks about the spiritual gifts and how they were used to initially build the Corinthian church.

The pattern established through Christ, when He sent out His Apostles throughout Judea / Israel with miracles being performed through them, is detailed in this chapter.

By the time one reads to chapter 14, the message is correcting many misconceptions, and it is speaking to a church already established.

Having been established, the miraculous manifestations became less and less, and the greater gifts were beckoned...love being the final bind to hold everyone together; the family of God.

Would the speaking of another language be enacted by the Spirit when all people present in the church speak the same language (the language in local Corinth at that time)?

It is clearly understood the gifts are enabled by God in order to build a church initially, as explained day one in Acts 2 regarding the foreign hearers visiting Jerusalem.

When Paul or any other Apostle traveled to a new people of a foreign language, and if God willed for the foreigners there to 'hear' God's language (the message of the Gospel), Paul although speaking his native tongue was likely heard in the native language(s) of that people.

Those not destined to 'hear', likely heard Paul's native tongue (whether he was speaking in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic initially), for God determines not only speakers but also hearers.

Consider how a harvest follows a time of pruning, following times of work after planting and watering....these patterns are mentioned in projecting the patterns of growth God enables in His body, His church.

Why would these patterns not continue to repeat throughout time and times?

I think some 'teachings' by men, according to man's wisdom, disables men's faith.

People have been 'taught' to believe some things and to disbelieve other things.

This is how heresy has unfortunately contested along with the Gospel.

Yet God has desired men to grow in faith, not in doubt.

God has desired for people to believe He is able and willing to do the unimaginable.

He continues to reveal His glory to this very Day so His Name may be praised!


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