What About J.F.K.? No Worries
A can has been kicked down the road for several decades.
A can that is filled with all kinds of beans.
Whoever spills these beans may experience a great discomfort cleaning up a hill of beans.
That can of beans has been slowly spilling its beans for so long, it is now full of worms.
The mess may be one that can never be properly cleaned.
Very few events in recent American history captivate imaginations with intrigue as the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Assassination, from the base word assassin (please read the definitions).
Without being alive during the 1960's, or having been aware of that time's political turmoil, it can be difficult for people born afterwards (myself included) to have a proper context for that event.
With every subsequent year, and more recent scandals and political strife, the past seems to be less relevant and important for consumers of popular culture and popular historical narratives.
There is a motivation to keep secrets for as long as possible.
However, the premise of a free and open society is that secrets are the domain of the private citizen, not a public official or their office.
Sure, public employees have their personal (and private / secret lives), but their business is 'supposed' to be open and transparent, since they 'represent' the collective interests of the public they serve.
But I am not sure if secret police, or intelligence agencies, also fall under the public employee understanding...and if they do, is it a practice that secret activities eventually become known?
If you desire to continue international business affairs as they are, certain activities may never be revealed until a mission or goal is accomplished...or a loser is vanquished by a winner.
The business of public office, and that of all government efforts, may eventually see the light of day for that government's citizenry can scrutinize, criticize, or honor what has been.
Oh the bastion of the democratic experiment.
Silence, or secrets, leads people to believe wrongdoing or unfathomable treachery.
There have been ideas, opinions, and theories elaborating (and contradicting) the 'official' government report for over 54 years.
The internet is replete with wild ideas and some not so wild, for something true may seem wild only because of its unusual nature, or deviation from the 'official' narrative.
Whether it was an orchestrated coup in either the narrowest or widest sense makes little difference regarding the past.
It is the 'now' that the individual must always navigate; the current stream.
A particular flavor of government (monarchy, democracy, republic, et al) and what happens outside of one's circle of influence, is one thing.
How the individual goes about their daily life, is another thing...and the two things do not always have to agree in order for the individual to live their life to the fullest.
Think freedom management, not arrested development.
Arrested development is realized in places that people's freedoms have been curbed, while where freedom is managed, life is not only lived, but culture has grown in extraordinary ways.
This is why an assassination in a free society is such a tragedy, because such things seemingly only occur in places where the rule of law is not respected by neither citizen or government.
People forget that not every human is an automatic robot of their culture.
Do you draw your identity from your government, or a particular political party, or some 'hero' you consider to be 'good'...while at the same time seeing with distaste the opposite?
If so, you may be deeply affected if / when the facts of any matter are revealed.
You'll be disappointed, or unable to blame yourself and those you've upheld up as heroes.
Remember, those who carry out assassinations are thinking they are right, or justified.
However, if you've learned to place your hope and heart on greater ideals, then no 'news' of any kind, whether true or false or colored with half-truths, will cause you much harm.
What I would like to mention is that assassinations happen in the first degree (outright physical murder), and in lesser degrees like, for example, character assassinations.
The latter example has repeatedly happened throughout history.
War is waged in this manner every single day if one listens to the 'news' or to people on the street.
The war field is your mind (and heart).
That field can be filled with information land mines made to destroy your mind.
That field could, instead, be already occupied with truth land mines prepared to destroy enemy attack.
If, as world history's many examples show, one coup reveals a nefarious order being implemented to replace a previous order, would this be anything 'new'?
Some have suspected 9/11 to have been 'yet another coup', but only history's outcome will show us the results...and 'seeing' the facts will depend on the narrative you follow.
I mention 9/11 together with J.F.K. because false flags are a very real phenomenon, as some of the documents from J.F.K.'s time show.
Eventually the facts of any matter are revealed even when the details are kept secret.
This is why historians and political scientists 'see' what others usually do not.
There is the truth and there is what people think is the truth.
Everyone has their opinion of something political, or how some 'thing' should be.
Not everyone is able to make a political difference as they would like, but they can make an individual difference in more ways they may currently understand.
At least regime change in certain governments (or a change in political tastes) happens in a more civilized manner than in other places.
In some places, a change at the top usually carries bloodshed on the street by official decree.
In a truly open society the state would hold no secrets...and the world has yet to arrive to such a state of existence.
When what is proclaimed as true is denied by enemies of truth, what is false is promoted as truth.
The documents that might or may never be revealed hold pertinent information regarding J.F.K. and the various clandestine activities surrounding his office.
As some examples of what has been released show; the secret reports are written more as matters of fact, less about opinion or storytelling.
If only history's narrative was written in this manner.
Usually the narrative is revised, stylized, romanticized and exaggerated.
Sometimes in the details is history found to be true, accurate, or closer to fact.
It may be quite shocking for people who have always believed in the nobility of certain public offices, or the necessity for certain government agencies, to find out how news reports never shared 'facts' but fabricated stories and narratives (were told false ideas in place of factual things).
Revision of history is nothing new for states and imperial powers.
Will this be a new low for America?
Only if you are unfamiliar with American history or world history or mankind's historical manners.
If you have mistakenly invested trust in human beings as if they were, at all times, righteous and honest, you may be in for a rude awakening.
History aims to reveal fact over legend, but many people's pasts are nothing but legend and myth.
If you are anything like me, and can (although hate to) expect the worse from people because you have personally been the worst kind of person, then nothing will be shocking coming from a government you have been taught to trust, or view as honest, noble and righteous.
For certain, men with integrity have ruled in government offices from time to time, but no two men are alike despite holding similar titles or holding the same office after the other.
History shows that ALL GOVERNMENTS have blood on their hands, have dealt unjustly with weaker people, and have been complicit in many other crimes.
There is nothing new under the sun.
To view American government as immune is to be naive.
To proclaim your specific government (or religious brand) to be immune from fault, is also naive and the things that legendary narratives are built upon.
The latest empire is the American and thus, the American empire is the one largely criticized.
Interestingly so many people of the world are also sustained and kept secure by this same worldwide entity.
It is not perfect, since humans occupy the system's apparatus.
The aim is ideal, the practice at times problematic.
At least an individual can still criticize the U.S. Government and not fear being droned while they sleep (at least not yet).
The same cannot be said in many other parts in the world.
This is why the idea of America has gone throughout the world on the back of, or alongside, or before the Gospel of Christ.
Some people hate this reality and confuse one with the other (government with Christianity).
Much how human fallibility can be blamed while the rule of law be just and proper, so also blaming Christ (or Christianity) is illogical when realizing that fallible humans are Christians.
Remember, it isn't any particular government that is 'good' or 'bad', but the fact that governments are run by human beings...and humans are fallible until perfected by death.
When any such government bases (and follows) their rule of law on an honest conscience, then the corrections of human fallibility are eventually rectified...and what is true can be accepted while the wrongs adequately addressed.
If, however, any government system breaks their rule of law and follows not an honest conscience, but throws honesty to the ground, then it should be no surprise that the current rebellions or striving within and without such governments continue.