State Of Independence
Thinking outside the group while still being a part of the whole. |
The term 'state' can be defined as a mindset; a particular view or idea held in one's mind.
We each have an individual 'state of mind'.
How we view ourselves, others, and the world (our identity) has a lot do with our state of mind.
There are many ideas that form our mind's state.
This is a short list:
Religion (including atheist ideas).
Political ideology.
Economic status.
Education (or lack of it).
Life Experience (level of maturity).
All of the variables (these listed above and the rest) can be originally found in our parents.
It is at home the individual learns their earliest life lessons.
At home a child learns to love (or hate) others not like them.
Such lessons can be learned from parents through words and attitude, directly or indirectly; subconsciously.
The parent's state of mind is largely conveyed into their children, with few exceptions.
It is only after growing older that children, hopefully, are able to see the shortcomings of some of the lessons they learned from their parents...and can change themselves.
The same can be said about how individuals in society view their cultural climate.
Some political climates are easier to 'change' than others...the idea of democracy is still feared in many places on earth.
From the outside of a particular culture can that people's humanity be seen and compared to other cultures.
This is not so easily done from within (being a part of that culture), or when one idealizes their culture and vilifies all others.
One person's (or society's) definition of 'murder' may include every time a human being is killed at the hand of another human being, no exceptions.
In another person (or society), 'murder' is only an unjustified killing...and many are the justifications.
Society can influence an individual...and the small and great ways.
An individual can influence society...and the small and great ways.
Think of a person from the past that was revolutionary according to their words and actions, and influenced the world in large way (good or bad, right or wrong).
Keep them in mind while reading the rest of this article.
That person most likely reflected their time's society, and perhaps introduced newer or better ideas (or older or worse ideas, depending on who you're thinking about and your view of them).
Maybe their ideas and efforts have inspired others after them to build (or destroy), love (or hate), unify (or divide) and eventually caused the promotion of life (or the decree of death) to continue.
These extremes can be argued to be dependent on how that individual's message is interpreted, for someone's peaceful man is another person's tyrant.
This is where the term 'independent' is introduced.
Are you able to think independently of those around you yet still be unified with these others?
Are you able to see your parent's shortcomings that were passed onto you and forgive them while working on correcting these shortcomings in yourself?
Are you able to see past your religious programming and see how other religions describe similar ideas without hating those people or mocking the religious ideas?
It is possible to think independently while still being part of a whole?
Is it possible to be at peace with others in a society you don't agree with, or a violent society?
Is it possible to not agree with one's government while living peacefully within that government without becoming part of the problem?
When considering the several efforts around the world of people desiring independence from a political structure they exist within, recall the past and how fighting, bloodshed and violent revolutions usually only lead to further trouble.
If you can't recall, a simple reading of history objectively written reveals such traumas of the past...showing when people physically tried to change their government instead of changing themselves first, the situations usually became worse.
Government is a reflection of a culture, whether an invading / conquering culture or one built upon years of development (or lack of development).
Many can be the causes that strain people's social and political relationships.
Past or recent wars.
A recent financial crisis.
Historical ethnic or religious tensions.
Pandemic government corruption.
Poor education.
Propaganda in the news.
The list can go on.
But where the physical reality of politics and government attitude cannot be immediately changed, the individual's state of mind can be changed, or better stated: adjusted.
Some people may claim they desire peace and justice, but their words and actions reveal they never truly desire to see peace or justice in the world.
Because they justify violence and eventual murder as a means to achieve the goals of peace and justice.
This is hypocrisy and irrational, but such is what typical men argue and 'believe' all the time.
Some people honor and praise such 'revolutionary' manners, but are absolutely ill informed as to what peace and justice is, or how to be at peace and just within oneself and with others.
Did your revolutionary justify killing other people for any reason?
If so, you have a great adjustment to make regarding your state of independence.
Your state of mind has may reflect more the bad things you perceive in government politics, or other religions, or other people.
You may not have yet adjusted yourself to what your parents and society have taught you.
You may need to find a new revolutionary that matches the ideals you desire to see in the world.
The revolutionary I had in mind did, does...and continues to do.
Peace be with you.