Deciphering Who Is Boss From Who Is Just Bossy
Although names and political ideologies change, government authority is drawn from, and bound to, the Christ authority. |
God's Hand, Through His Servants, Rules Over Hired Hands.
Can “authority” be held in a man's hand?
Can authority be established through force of men?
Some would say this is how the world was conquered; through man's forceful hand and his authority.
History books describe men exerting their will over other men with their justifications varying slightly.
Most have claimed divine or religious right, with others claiming themselves as a god or their ideas as a better order than previous.
We read how rulers and tyrants and despots (earthly strong men, similar to hired hands) have exuded their authority through force throughout history, yet their legacy is what better defines them.
The legacy of tyrants and despots is now shown to be historical moments of embarrassment and shame and darkness for humanity, although in their time these types were likely honored and exulted for their fierceness.
Some people still today take pride in ruthless rulers of the past and less than honorable methods of people management, their cultures having convinced them that might is right.
In some cases anything good and acceptable that did come through tyrannical efforts were adopted, while what was bad and unacceptable went into the trash heap.
Good laws or ideas can come from someone that history has labeled as 'bad'.
Reading history objectively reveals this; the maturing of humanity, in some places exponentially, in other places retrogradely.
Caligula was, according to most historical accounts, a ruthless ruler...but some 'good' things he decided came to benefit people under his rule during and after his reign.
The opposite can be true; bad things may come about when a 'good' ruler is in control.
This is the human condition; no matter the human effort, something negative is bound to occur.
Eastern and western histories are full of such examples, and all had their religious overtones or philosophical ideologies with bad outcomes from good efforts... and the opposite (good from the bad).
The histories found in the written Word of God are also full of such examples of good and bad when speaking of kings, rulers, servants, individuals, peoples, their ideas and activities.
Christ proclaimed to have and exemplify absolute authority on earth while on earth.
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Yeshua had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. Then Yeshua came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I Am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
- Matthew 28: 16-20This authority was (and continues to be) realized without the use of physical force.
When men have claimed Christ authority yet have hurt others, they have actually contradicted the teaching of Christ and revealed themselves to be opposite the law of Christ; confused and shameful.
However, when looking closely at how society developed prior to Christ appearing and after His return, something quite significant can be realized.
Considering nothing happens outside of God's will and nothing is by accident with God but always purposed when reading the rest of the article:
The nation of Israel prior to Christ became subject to Greek rule.
Then came a period of Roman rule over Israel before Christ appeared.
While most people then, as still today, perceive authority being something physically manifested and something to be made obvious to the human eye, some others see past the physical and view the spiritual overtones of authority in and over all things.
Christ was not proud, forceful nor pushy.
In other words; Christ's authority was not forceful as typical of men who desire to rule.
If the Word of God failed (or fails) to seed in one's heart, there was (will be) no compulsion by Christ...although there shall be a Day of reckoning and revealing regarding our hearts.
There was and always has been a force and certain power behind Yeshua.
Christ fulfilled / completed the law, and forwarded the law into not only the hearts of His followers, but into the dominating political authority (the lesser and physical authority) from henceforth.
After Christ was released from the body and 'returned' to the spiritual realm, the faith and Way began infiltrating the highest and lowest places in dominant cultures within and beyond any empire's borders, absorbing varying cultures into the Christ identity as the faith seeded the hearts of humanity.
Christ's authority (the greater and spiritual authority) eschews the use of physical force (and continues today just the same).
Although certain political entities outwardly recognized the authority of Christ, simply because other places did not outwardly confess this spiritual reality does not mean this spiritual reality was not present or failing to reign.
Consider the prior covenant examples of God's people in a foreign and hostile land yet still protected, with God's will continuing in absolute sovereignty despite inferior leadership, and God being revealed even in the most dire of circumstances.
Since the Spirit is greater than the physical, the Christ authority is widely misunderstood and difficult to comprehend by most people...since it depends on faith to live out and 'see'.
Since the Spirit transcends the physical limitations of this world (death being one logical limitation for most people to understand), the temptation to fight or resist 'bad' things (tyranny or low manners in society) can be overwhelming for those not aware nor believing nor understanding the Christ authority established on earth.
Since the Spirit is Truth, the manifestations of the Spirit and the order established through the Spirit is a mysterious comprehension for carnal minds, even for many stringent religious zealots.
Spirit rules over the material, yet the spirit is not material.
The Spirit is immeasurable and is not subject to the material or man, but man and the material is subject to the Spirit.
Despite mankind still misunderstanding Christ's authority over all things heavenly and earthly and men still fighting over material things and carnal ideas, the authority of His law continues to seed the hearts of mankind in many mysterious and confounding ways.
Whether secular government law contradicts or affirms the law of Christ (secular government being a physical manifestation of man's efforts) does not nullify the spiritual authority evident in humanity and their collective heart-secured secrets.
This is why and how a human being may respond to love regardless of their upbringing, but sadly not all people respond to love.
Striking evidence of the Christ authority found on the physical plane among certain people is the issue of demonic possession (unclean spirits) of places and people.
Where a psychological deficiency is arguable or clarified as such, the many examples of darkness being removed from over or within people is a sobering reminder of Christ's spiritual (and physical) authority.
It is clearly acknowledged the authority God has established regarding spiritual matters is found in the Catholic (universal) church by the mere fact that without a Bishop's knowledge, blessing and prayer, a demon may not be exorcised from a person.
There are contemptuous accusations against the previous sentence, but a search of things not sensationalized do reveal this reality.
Some examples 'outside' the way the rite is perceived does exist, and these further show Christ's authority and dominion over all things and beyond man's perceptions...but the order is not always realized, these instances speaking more to grace rather than established communion.
Communion is unity with God and His body, not allowing division petty doctrinal arguments over words and misunderstandings.
Catholic also meaning universal, thus speaking to the universality of Christ's authority in and over all things spiritual and physical.
Taking this article's content in full context, one can understand what is being messaged regarding the spiritual, the physical, mankind's state, and Christ's authority and providence.
Certain rites and spoken realities exist for reasons clearly revealed previously from Above.
There surely is Power in the Name of Yeshua, yet without faith nor God's communion, the physical world is not easily subject to the spiritual world; the darkness instead can pervade or become further darkened and hidden from the light.
Do we not still see examples of this in places on earth where God's law is widely unknown but only poorly mirrored?
The universal spiritual reality of our communion with God shows that no walls exist between one another and with God.
These 'walls' only exist in the human mind, which may manifest them in the heart against one another (and unfortunately against God, who is Love).
If you were to search for discussions on exorcism and hopefully avoiding sensationalized videos or fear-based media, but finding instead of serious discussion of this very serious topic, you will find servants / children of God speaking candidly yet calmly about the manner God's authority is realized over darkness.
If there is any force, it is on the part of darkness, but not the faithful.
If there is any noise or ruckus, it is on the part of where the trouble is, not in the faithful.
If there is any monetary compensation for the rite, it is not with the faithful but with showmen.
The faithful repeat the very same authority, calmness, security and full communion that Yeshua exemplified among His witnesses; the same unity and authority Yeshua had in the Father while in the flesh.
It is by some manner that certain religious people (inside and outside the Catholic / universal church) fail to understand God's established authority.
When God's authority through the vessels of mankind is used in a temporal manner, we realize that a falling away from the Way is recognized.
Such moments of walking off the Path does not equate to the Path itself being wrong, or the established order being wrong, but simply that repentance is a constant for any individual and by extension group of people (parts of the body of Christ).
This constancy speaks to the body of Christ (the church) as a whole when although being led by the Spirit, exists in the believer's flesh on earth and emanates from the spiritual realms beyond this material plane.
Consider what was predicted several centuries prior to Yeshua the Messiah appearing and invoking the new reality, the age which the humble enjoy no matter the lack of humility in others or in governments.
Consider the 'man' who was to be Sovereign over all things earthly:
In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was One like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
- Daniel 7: 13-14Consider the 'man' who was revealed as God.
Consider how God decided to become a 'man' in order to fulfill all things spiritual and earthly:
For to us a child is born,
to us a Son is given,
and the government will be on His shoulders.
And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of His government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this.
- Isaiah 9: 6-7