Journey Into Miniature

Patterns written in sand on concrete.

Look closely at the image.

Click or zoom-in if you can.

Notice tire tracks from a vehicle.

Notice toe imprints from bare feet.

Notice bicycle tire tracks.

Notice shoe imprints.

Notice different colors of sand in a sea of light brown.

Notice also the concrete's lines and patterns on a grey plain.

Notice where the sand meets the concrete.

Notice the turns and patterns, similar to when land meets a body of water.

The concrete's composition is smaller than the grains of sand.

The sand cannot fit into the concrete's spaces, but the dust from the sand can.

What about the dust from a speck of dust from a single grain of sand?

Think now of a net.

A fisherman's net.

Consider how a fisherman's net is made to catch fish.

Depending on the spaces between the net material, it is made to catch a certain size of fish.

Fish that can fit through the spaces would escape.

A smaller sized net would be needed for smaller sized fish.

Yet the water passes through any size of net.

Now consider your skin.

Look closely and notice the textures, contours and composition of your skin.

Notice the pores.

Notice the lines.

Notice the spaces between the lines and the pores.

Realize how blood does not typically come through your skin.

Nor does water typically penetrate through your skin into the body.

But such things can and do occur, depending on certain factors.

One may think the skin is not like the concrete.

Perhaps the concrete can be understood as very strong and impenetrable, while the skin is easily penetrated since it is soft.

When going very small and further within the smaller sizes of things, we find interesting realities.

The concrete, as the skin, is found to have spaces between the spaces.

Certain things can find their way into and through these spaces within the spaces.

Similarly, as water can go through a fisherman's net, so can certain things go through concrete and skin.

Considering the sand again, let us think of it in reductive stages, there is:

- a grain of sand

- the crystals forming a grain

- the atoms forming a crystal

- nuclei forming an atom

- nucleons forming a nucleus

- quarks and gluons forming a nucleon

- energy forming quarks....?

- ___ forming ___?

- ___ forming ___?

Going from atomic to subatomic and beyond the physical particle...does it ever end?

Is the inner verse as extensive as the outer verse?

If there is a space (or places) beyond the universe, is there a space (or places) within the inner verse?

What is the border of the universe in the largest and smallest scales, and what is (and where) is the places and spaces beyond these?

Is spirit beyond the physical?

Is spirit within the physical?

Do patterns simply repeat or do they slightly (or completely) change when leaving the physical and observable realms?

Does spirit pass through matter similarly as do neutrinos pass through all things on earth without detection?

Is spirit measurable?

Is spirit observable?

Will science, or the human mind, ever be able to acknowledge what is not measurable or not observable nor visible?

Enjoy this quantum theory documentary.


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