My Struggles With Mammon
Some people are able to check their emotions and frame of mind when it comes to money.
I think it is how one views money, and what one believes or understands about money.
I usually write in abstract terms regarding money, because at least for me some things seem abstract.
This is likely due to the fact of how I have perceived money all my life.
The aim, for me, is to see money for what it really is beyond what my emotions interpret it to be.
When looking at the foundation of things, what seems to be quite clearly obvious, I think, becomes abstract and almost mythological.
Money is an inanimate object with no intrinsic value, yet it is some 'thing' for which other 'things' are traded for.
Money, being what it is made of, holds no actual value.
However, money is perceived to hold value: whatever particular numbers are printed on it.
When money's idea is tied to someone you love, a friend, a circumstance, perceptions can vary.
Money by itself is not an egg, or a meal, or a plumbing service to clear out clogged pipes.
But by some manner of tradition of ideas, money is exchanged for real things of actual value (food and labor, products and services).
It is a 'thing' made by man's hands, and in simple terms it 'holds value' according to the ideas associated to it.
The use of money dominates our world, and 'value' is measured by money... even projecting a sense of 'value' onto human beings, who are invaluable... a value that is immeasurable.
Before paper money existed, coinage was the money.
Before coins, other things easily tradable were used as money.
Before other things were traded beyond the desired items, perhaps a promise to pay was the money (some 'thing' in exchange for the real thing, yet this too was an idea - credit).
The difference between a $1.00 bill and a $100.00 bill is pattern, design, and numbers.
However, the 'cost' that went into printing such bills are both the same.
Both paper productions cost a few cents to manufacture.
A few pennies.
How much, then, does it cost to produce digital / virtual money?
The lifting of a finger and pushing of keys on a keyboard.
How much does it cost to uphold the idea of money, the belief that a certain country's money is 'good' for all debts both public and private?
Perhaps a strong and lethal military?
Perhaps cooperation of all parties involved?
Perhaps many other factors.
The reality that money is a part of our lives causes a likely level of consternation, at least it does for me.
Do I resolve to 'work' for it using my time and physical energy?
Do I leverage my knowledge, and what other men have invented, to have it 'work' for me?
Or both?
Having it work for me is utilizing the collective efforts of many other people.
There are several ways to look at any 'thing', using proper definitions and a rational understanding.
To one person, money is an idea and nothing more.
To another person, money is a measure of 'value' or 'success' or other terms related to wealth.
To still others, money is energy stored in a certain way.
To yet another person, all they know is that money is what they must work for their entire life in order to 'pay' for their existence.
All of these thoughts are true, yet seemingly utterly opposed or contradictory.
Is money, then, evil or bad or not good?
Most things or inventions of man, on their own, are not evil.
It is how these things are used that may clarify its manner.
A hammer can be used to build; homes, fences, and many other things.
A hammer can be used to dismantle; homes, fences, and many other things.
These can be seen as good uses, both building and dismantling (for building anew).
A hammer can also be used to harm someone.
When it comes to the topic of money, there seems to be a hidden 'power' or 'mystique' when looking at people with nominal wealth.
This is noticeable by the manner some people consider and talk about people who built their fortune by their own hands (or did not simply inherit it from elsewhere, but worked for it in some way).
Maybe its jealousy, or the unknown of 'how' someone attained wealth that bothers those without.
Recently I was discussing with a friend how money is perceived as evil.
I clarified that it is 'how' money is viewed and dealt with which brings things evil.
The evil is the love of money... which is a root of all kinds of evil.
Why is this?
Consider how money can sometimes cloud clear judgment (as it does my judgment sometimes).
My friend mentioned sister Theresa and how she had at her disposal millions of dollars and free labor to do with as she pleased.
To clarify, it was because of her efforts and example that such wealth and help came to support her will to help others.
She didn't do as she pleased, but what pleased the Lord.
The wealth was funneled through her and her effort to do good was maximized.
She was a conduit of good works; putting money and people at work to attain positive results.
There is power behind such things, because they are held together by belief, ideas, things beyond the physical.
Theresa wasn't 'paying' anyone to support her ideas.
She received donations to further her work.
She was already doing the work previous to gaining attention for the work, and then donations.
The organization and order she was a part of provided her with the basics of life so she can forward those basics to others.
These basics of life are somewhat naturally occurring; man has his part.
The food grows, but one has to plant, prune, harvest, prepare food.
The clothing materials are also naturally occurring, but one has to alter their natural state into actual clothes (cotton sprouted from the plant must be picked and woven into clothing).
Some natural shelters exist (caves), but someone has to make or build a type of shelter that is more suitable, more comfortable, and more readily available and reflective of the weather and environment.
Theresa would have continued doing the work despite any or no assistance in monetary or physical terms.
She had long decided to work her entire life in the service of others, not so much amass wealth or consume more than the bare necessities.
To contrast her with a person who produces great wealth through some market mechanism, this person also wields a type of power and influence arguably similar to Theresa.
However, those who run with the titans of economy do so to realize gains for themselves, and maybe to help others after the fact, or the 'help' others receive is a byproduct or natural occurrence.
Jobs exist because as a business grows, more help / labor / experts are needed to grow it.
Even Theresa only had two hands and could be in only one place at a time.
The material wealth builder expects a return for their money and time and labor, naturally.
Otherwise, they have no reason to work harder than for the bare minimum.
Theresa had a motivation not based on physical results nor temporal dividends.
The earthly wealth pursuer does have such expectations.
Are the two opposed?
I don't think so.
Have you noticed the reason why computers, or cell phones, or almost any other thing the modern world today may take for granted, came about because of motivation to realize something better, or a certain comfort, or a semblance of wealth or achievement?
Would these words of mine be able to be read in China, Peru, France, Canada, Ukraine and the several other places on any given day? or the moment after any post is published?
Regarding Theresa and a titan of the market opposed, or one 'right' and the other 'wrong', but let us simply identify the differences within and between the two.
Surprisingly, the two work hand-in-hand.
How else would Theresa further the housing of the homeless, and provisions of food for the hungry, and clothing for the naked .. if not by donations of such items and also monetary gifts for such items?
To go to the heart of the issue, it is very possible a wealthy person can also be righteous... while a very poor person is not always righteous.
Physical wealth is not a plague of sin, yet many people are plagued themselves by the pursuit of wealth.
Poverty is also not a symbol of righteousness, while many poor people are at content and not plagued by wild ambitions.
Money is not the measure of righteousness (as has been interpreted in ancient times as is still today).
To judge wealth as an obvious sign of evil or thorn in the side would be to judge incorrectly and unclearly.
Job was the wealthiest man of his region and was also proclaimed to be the most righteous man of his generation.
His wealth was grown not by him cheating, lying, stealing, or tricking anyone.
It is how money, its allure and its semblance of promise or security, beguiles the heart... and it seems the wealth on its own wasn't cause for harm towards Job's character, but other things.
I am not like Job in this way, but I think my wife is.
I think people easily judge because we hear far too often of fraud, deception, mayhem, and common thievery regarding fortunes and wealth attainment in popular culture or gossip.
How rarely do we hear about how a certain person saved, wisely invested, worked hard, and dealt fairly with everyone they've encountered.
I've known such people.
I aim to be such a person, yet there were certain instances in my past I was not so kind.
There is a common blindness typically associated with honest labors and risk-taking by people who do things as honestly as they understand the law and their conscience to be.
I write often about such things because I have unfortunately experienced several sides of money's affect on my heart.
One side is the fact that I 'need' it in order to buy simple things, currently being unable to trade whatever I do in exchange for toothpaste, for example.
Sure I can make my own toothpaste, but what about the other things I arguably 'need' to stay healthy or to simply survive?
The grocery store employees, or possibly the store owner, would have to trust not only myself, but what I do or offer.
They would also need to have a desire for what I offer in exchange for their goods and / or services.
I have personally swayed between two extremes: solely focused on making money and focused on finding contentment in whatever I must do in order to pay for my existence.
Recently having to handle a certain inheritance, I desire to do the right thing and not only secure the inheritance, but make it grow.
I once again faced a man I thought had disappeared in the mirror.
That man is my old carnal self; built by my own hands in attempting to reflect and glory in the things of this world.
Too much earthly wealth titan and too little Theresa.
My current situation is one which has drawn me away from having to worry about things financially.
My work is a joy and my salary is sufficient to provide for myself and my wife.
However, I have to be honest about the temptations that have me desiring more, and more quickly.
My mind is quickened in formulating ways and methods to attain such things.
It is like once certain knowledge was attained, such concepts cannot be forgotten.
If anything, they mature with time as the other aspects of life are also matured and made clearer.
I also desire to redeem my past monetary mistakes somehow, yet this isn't what is being asked of me.
I want to still prove myself to others, yet this is a wind that I have been asked to stop chasing.
I want to validate my current level of understanding of money, finance, markets, etc., and this is a thing of pride.
Some people from my past, and some relatives, likely think I am a bum and have zero income.
Others know how successful I am in nominal terms, while everyone short of my wife and the Lord Above know exactly all the details of what is considered earthly wealth.
Recently, in having to make important decisions regarding an inheritance, my pride caused me to fall once again and be broken.
Too much thinking.
I am grateful that one day the temptations will stop, and clarity will be so simple.
I am grateful to God that I have a wife who is not overcome nor troubled with money as I seem to be too often.
I am also grateful that security has been realized not only in nominal terms, but in spiritual realities expressed and evident even in this physical world.
This is the grace and security that God has provided.
If I am called to release any and all things related to physical wealth, may my heart see things with the same faith of those who also sold all their things and handed them to the poor.
All I ask is that the Lord prepares my heart for such a time, since I now depend on Him and not my own hands for my allotment while still in the flesh and traversing this earth.
His inheritance has provided much comfort... may my memories and carnal responses not confuse this matter.